Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Bishop IS Crossing aka "My President Is Black"

This is for our children our Black children. Today I have to be racial about this. This day doesn't have the same significance for a Latino child or for an African immigrant even. Africa has had their presidents. This is a man who even though his father is from Kenya . His mother grew up during the civil rights struggle and took a risk to even bring this boy into existence .

This day is for all of us who are descendants of slaves. Last night Harlem if you was watching tv you would see the faces of the babies . The black kids teenagers crying and screaming . For us for my people this represents something we never had "hope" .

Jay-z said all us blacks have is sports and entertainment until we are even. If you look at our black wealth you see Oprah, Bill Cosby, Russell Simmons, Bob Johnson, most recently Sean Combs and Shawn Carter.

Now the 8 year old black boy or the 14 year old black girl can literary believe that the color of their skin doesn't limit them.

My Latino friends I am not being racist for leaving you out . but the Hispanic calls Puerto Rico home first, calls Mexico home first, calls the Dominican republic home first, and etc not saying that you don't love this country. But when a people has a since of belonging of something to look back in there history and say yea my people has a country it effects a mentality of a people differently.

African Americans came up from the ashes of slavery. From the brutality of Jim Crowe. The united states conscience and shame has always effected the way this country deal with "us" today hopefully is the step forward to finally letting go (on both sides) of the slavery and the Jim crowe years

Today is a great day for our country and my people. and most importantly the children. All children of all races. But this day truly effects us more.