Friday, February 20, 2009

The Bishop is Crossing aka Say Hello to the Bad Guy

The Bishop is Crossing aka Say Hello to the Bad Guy

(My letter to Rev. Sharpton)

Hello Rev. Al-Opportunist,

I will start my letter with a quote from Jay-Z "If Al Sharpton is speaking for me tell him I don't approve"

First and foremost I stand with you in opposition to the new york post and there racist leaning cartoon depicting our president as a monkey. Now we all know that News Corp and the New York post has a history of subliminal racist rhetoric . So I applaud you for "leading the charge"

However I question your motives. Are your truly offended or is this just another example of your ambulance chasing, publicity seeking modus-operandi?

I posted a twit today (that's a micro blog on the social website Twitter) addressing you by the "pet name" I have for you. (Rev. Al-Pportunist) asking a simple question. "Where are you on the issue of Gov. Patterson's proposed budget cuts on health care and education? Or the mta fair hikes?
And received a hate message in defense of you.

Dear "Reverend" where are you on issues that effect the working and working poor class of all races in this city, hell In this country. Granted in regards to police brutality you are there to organize and have folk marching .( My feelings for the punk police are well documented), However You sir are in a position to do more then just add lip service to such an important issue your "action network" doesn't lobby local congress to impose tougher laws on the police, now you have promised to force the State and City Councils and Assembly for years to write tougher laws. But nothing has happened yet. No pressure

I give you credit on working to repeal the Rockefeller drug laws. But again that was a movement you kind of hitched on to, riding the coat tails looking for another media sound bite.

You sir are a natural entertainer. It is no wonder that your "mentor" was the great James Brown . Who is the godfather of soul and arguably the Grandfather of hip hop but also He was a wife beater and had many unscrupulous business dealings.

Yesterday I was watching Boston Legal one of the only good shows on tv (recently ended it's run) and you had a hilarious cameo playing yourself. The premise folks was a case involving a woman suing the Broadway play "Annie" for not choosing a black girl to play Annie who was obviously a better singer and dancer then the white girl who won. "Al-Pportunist" put on a show much like he does in real life. He argued against the hypocrisy of "Separate-But-Not-Equal", Using the metaphor of the feature song "Tomorrow" saying Blacks are tired of waiting for tomorrow and want today. "We want a Black Spiderman, a Back Superman, Why can't we represent Americana" Ultimately this forced a settlement in the favor of the little black girl. Funny right? Art imitates life or is it simply a case of the trivializing of trivial glory hound?

My disapproval of the "Reverend" goes back to the age of five years old. Growing up in a church and understanding that a man of god should carry themselves a certain way, with honor and dignity; to turn the other cheek and all that good stuff. See I was weird child I watched as much news as I did cartoons and I liked talk shows . So watching the Morton Downey Jr show I see two Reverends Roy Ennis and Sharpton, two men of the cloth fighting hitting each other with the cheers of the crowd as a backdrop (Jerry! Jerry! That started it) So I questioned you and looked at you skeptically. Strike 1

Strike 2 came with the rush to defend Tawanna Brawly . Not that I blamed you or considered you in collusion with her lying about her rape. But your lack of intelligence. It never accord to you that maybe proper due diligence proper vetting of the girls story was in order before you go leading black people over a cliff and embarrassing us.

At this point I considered you just a bad politician and community leader but meant well. Strike 3 came when you decided to run for Mayor of the great City of new york. In a primary town hall debate a young black man 25 or so asked you politely "Why sir do you feel qualified to hold such a high position. Do you not feel perhaps you should run for local government first gain experience then run for Mayor?" Your response: what is that you do young man?( I do not remember what he did) I won't tell you how to do your job don't tell me how to do mine!

That moment I knew that Rev Al-Pportunist was and arrogant egotistical media hound who doesn't want to truly participate in civil service. Granted politicians aren't always the best thing what did Elijah tell Malcolm? "Them cameras can be as intoxicating or more intoxicating then any drug"

"Reverend" and I use that word loosely in regards to you because I have yet to hear you actually preach a sermon. Now at James Brown's funeral you quoted some scripture here and there, and mind you folks I am no "Christian" I am a spiritualist I believe religion in its organized form is the worst invention man has ever concocted because it is used to manipulate the weak minded and elevate the power seekers. Now obviously this isn't an absolute . I am not painting all Reverends, Imans, priest etc. With a broad brush. But its 50/50 as to the piety of these men and women who lead "the flock" (and I'm being generous with 50/50) A. Rupen Neighburm said "Religion is a good thing for good people and a bad thing for bad people"

Now I know you would read this and dismiss me as a "rapper" who degrades women and uses the word Nigga etc. But I remember you was once caught on tape using the word nigga as was your counterpart "uncle Jessie" aka Jessie Jackson. You my friend are nothing more then a pawn. A documented former informant for the FBI. The streets would call you snitch. You was offered a deal to avoid jail for tax evasion.

The "Nigga" issue was a bandwagon, hot button issue you jumped on to distract and to divide our people (minorities) not by class but more importantly by generation. The older folks are offended (and some young people) and attacking my generation and hip hop for its use of the word. A very old argument older then me. Each generation finds something that offends them that the new generation is doing. As much as I love Bill Cosby he too is not immune because he forgets the movies he starred in, such as "Uptown Saturday Night" when he used the word in the same way I do. Where did we learn it from?

Instead of having a civil discussion with the hip hop industry you attack, you march and you rally until record labels donate money to your "action network" and promise to "cut down on the word" that's extortion folks. Google the "Al Sharpton Extortionist" and you will find several articles some exagerated but where there is smoke.. There is fire. Notice how the "N" word controversy has died down from your platform of social change in our community since the Election why? Because the Democrats needed hip hop and the youth to get Barack Elected. You my good "Reverend" raised money and appeared on the same stage with rappers you threw under the bus during the Imus scandal. Who you called "disgraces to the race" We call that Hypocrisy

Now I know I'm rambling a bit but I just wanted to showcase how two faced our "community leader is" .

So today you marched against the post for a lord-able cause the depiction of Obama as a monkey. As I stated before I am offended. But Barack has released no statement about the matter . Why because he has bigger fish to fry . We have bigger fish to fry in our city. Obama Is the most powerful person on the planet he can defend himself. Hell The Patriot Act is still in effect He can have the cartoonist jailed for threating the Commander In Chief. If You want to defend Obama Defend him on the stimulus Package, On the Housing Reform Bill. Help him get universal healthcare, If only atleast for the Babies. Where is the the community organzing to pressure these republicans to vote for the change we voted for.

I say defend those who cannot defend themselves. When Harlem is being "white washed" Blacks are being forced out economically where is the outrage? . Not being racist but when Brad and Angie move uptown and the Historic Copeland's restaurant closes its doors I wanna see some marching! I wanna see my black activist stand up and ask why can't black people afford to live in Harlem?
Why is it that Black businesses cannot receive a bail out ?

Again I am not downgrading the problems of race in these country. I am not saying that this issue isn't and important issue I am against the messenger>

Yes I'm an entertainer. I am a songwriter/producer oh and a "Rapper" (he uses that word like its a curse word) and also a radio and tv personality so by definition I have a bully pulpit as well though I'm not as big of a bully as your (Yet!) I have a few thousand who tune in to hear me speak every week
So I ask you sir at a time when minorities are suffering more then any other group during this "economic crisis" where are you on issues that truly matter? I implore you to use your position for the good of the people and not as a tool of the system. I question your integrity, I question your courage, I question your loyalty, I question your motives. Reverend Al-Pportunist to many good natured non-racist white people you have become the boy who cried wolf. If you only march against media hot-button issues you become marginal, King March for everything injustice. Organzied people of all creeds even if it didnt directly effect the black community.We have serious concerns to deal with now.

After all this is 2009 we have new issues to deal with. White men been calling black men monkeys since they stumbled on to Africa. Doesn't make it right doesn't mean its not offensive or ignorant it just isn't worth the time. "I was man said don't argue with fools because people from a distance can't tell who is who" I end as I began quoting Jay-Z

Ps: Bishop is crossing vol 1. - Mogul status coming soon

1 comment:

Ross said...

I found your blog through twitter. I like your take on Al Sharpton. Very well thought out and reasoned as opposed to 'Oh he's just an idiot.'

With respect to your comments about the cartoon itself. Do you believe the author or New York Post had racist intent? Or should they have not run cartoon simply because of the way it was likely to be received?