Friday, March 6, 2009


So the whole City is a "Twitter" about the Governor of New York State, Gov.
David Patterson's low approval ratings. A lot of people feel that black
people should support him and not be against him simply because he is the first Black Governor of New York.

My homegirl's position is to support him and be proud that he is our first
Black Governor . I am proud of this achievment however I am against Blind Racial Unity. I caught similar flack about my opposition to Rev. Al-Pportunist, and "Uncle Jessie" Jackson. I have always been skeptical of people in positions of power most likely they did someone dirty along the way to get there.

I was born in Harlem as a youth I was brought up in Harlem's famed
Abyssinian Baptist Church for those who don't know the History . The Pastor
of Abyssinian was Rep. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Who's name is not only 7th
avenue in Harlem (Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd) but is also the Name of the State Building on 125th Street The headquarters of "The Clinton Foundation" .

Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Was the most powerful black man in America at one point. When President Kennedy or President Johnson needed Republican votes or Conservative Democrats support to pass civil rights legislation they would call Him. Powell was a Bridge between King and Malcolm X that's Power.

The legacy of my former church attracted several powerful black "leaders" and politicians . My Mother loves to the story of how at the age of 3 years old I was not impressed by Charles Rangel. I guess for a photo-op (you know kiss the babies, shake hands; I happened to be the baby) Mr. Rangel Picked me up and stood me up on a table and asked "Why are you on this table" my response "You put me here, who are you?" he goes on to say "My Name Is Charles B. Rangel, What is your Name?" My response "Jayson Timothy Butler" (with an attitude apparently) . The thing about me is for the most part I always been able to size up people and determine if they are genuine or not and if I felt you wasn't I tell you about yourself. As a grew I asked the right questions and look at peoples'history because 9 times out of 10 history repeats. So once I form an opinion about someone good or bad I'm very rarely wrong.

So now that I'm an adult an educated African American I like to use the term
"N.I.G.G.A. (Non Immigrant Gaining Gathering Achieving) I judge people;
especially those in position of power; on the Merits of their character and
the history of their actions.

As for David Patterson, when he was appointed as Governor after the debacle of then Governor Elliot Spitzer I was very excited. I said Yea man We got our first Black Governor and he a Resident of Harlem man listen I support anything harlem even Charles Hamilton lol. Everyone knew about his coke problem from his state congressional days but he always fought for Harlem, for education, for health care, for welfare. Now David Patterson is trying to coast his way
into holding on to the office. He forgot why he went to Albany in the first place.

Patterson is a Brilliant Harlem politician he comes from the school of Adam
Powell and "Old Fashioned Harlem Politics". To Understand "Harlem Politics" you must understand the "Robin Hood theory". Not just rob the rich to give to the poor but use the criminals to fund your operation that will ultimately rob the rich. Robin Hood's Merry men where criminals before Robin met them. See folks the Charles Rangels, The David Dickens, and so on are all Direct Reflections of the "positive" impact of Gangsters such as Frank Lucas, Nicki Barnes and them. Oh I can hear you know "But they killed their own people" So did the Kennedys ! Look America is a "Gangsterized" Nation always been. We stole this country from Britain and then the Indians and Built every brick on the backs of Slavery, Piracy, Bootlegging, and Drugs let's be real.

Back to Patterson his main goal right now is to Remain Governor. He knows that he is an accidental Governor and he also knows that the Democratic Brand in the outer regions of New York has taking a beating thanks to Spitzer. So he is running towards the "Right". Feeling the City will give him a pass because he
is a minority . Now this Strategy may ultimately work but not for me.

Anyone who understands NY politics knows that upstate is the swing region.
And they tend to be very conservative. And they have a slight bias against
the City. So Gov. Patterson's policy of basically making the city suffer more during his "belt tighting" during our current economic situation is terrible. He is against raising the Housing Tax (where are the most homes?) but will raise our MTA/Transit Rates putting tolls on every bridge and putting a tax on "to go items" such as soda, Starbucks coffee etc." . Those things honestly I can stomach . But when our President sends Money to New York specifically for Health care, welfare and education and you still cut such programs Ihave a problem with you.

Now this Blog isn't specifically about Patterson it is about people who feel
that we as Black people should "Blindly (pun intended) follow and support
someone just because he is Black. That Brings me to Barack Obama now I know
"My President is Black and my lambo blue... " And all that... but too often during the campaign I would ask people why are you voting for Barack over Hillary and the answer is because he is Black. A lot of His supporters didn't even
bother to go on his website and read up on his platform.

Now that he is "on the job" there is a since from "My People" (and I use
that term loosely) that: " We gonna be good cause Barack Got us!" And its
almost Blasphemy to question him on some "Key Issues" such as how do you pick Tim Gietner as your Secretary of Treasury, when he was head of the NY Dept of Treasury and over saw the Wall Street Meltdown that basically helped to
start this mess.

See folks money no longer backed by gold it is backed by debt. I have 100 pieces of paper worth 100 dollars in my pocket because somewhere out there 100 people owe me 1 dollar. Its not that simple but that's the basic gist. So now the Stock Market needed to continue to make money so it was allowed to "speculate on debt" which
means the housing market. Not just during the Bush years now this goes way back

You see when Nixon took us off the Gold standard that set off a chain reaction that ballooned the price of Housing like 500 percent since the 1960's. Remember Raisen In The Sun they brought the house for 10 grand ? Now that's not even a down payment. (Well not Detroit they got spots for 18,000 its bad!) Why the drastic change? Because money must be backed by something and now it is your House . And we don't
even own that thanks to the Supreme Court (google "Imminent Domain")

So Obama you picked for your "Financial General" in this "Economic War"a man who helped get us in the mess that we are in. Why? Well you know what I say this is all part of the plan to lead us towards the "Amero" and eventually One World Government, but I will digress because most people don't wanna believe this and dismiss it as conspiracy theory so for argument sake I say its not a plan its just incompetence.

So the Question remains why ? Barack pick for Treasury secretary a
person who didn't help to prevent the "crash" furthermore he is a lifetime
tax evader and you put him in charge of the IRS with the mandate to increase
audits on tax evaders lol that's called Hypocrisy! But black folk say oh well that's Barack our "Black President". No that's our employee and we must hold him accountable. Like any white man.

You Can't Blindly Follow!

Why is he against prosecuting the Bush administration for war crimes? Hmm

These are things you have to pay attention to. Just don't celebrate the fact that we got someone that looks like us in the White House.

I don't believe anyone should have a benefit of the doubt when they are in a
position to effect Millions or Billions of lives. Do you give your Black
boss the benefit of the doubt when he messes up and blames you? Do you say:
"well he a brother so its alright" ? No!

You Can't Blindly Follow!

The jury is still out on Barack he may be thinking that this Economic
crisis was caused by "Crooks" so I need a "Smart Crook" to get us out of this. But Tim Gietner said "He does not have the details of the plan to get us out of the Recession" WHAT!! People are getting food drops in the Midwest and you don't have a plan yet? I hope Obama has him on a short leash.

We Can't Blindly Follow!

Al Sharpton says march and Negros march, Charles Rangel Says support this
Bill and we write letters to Congress, cause Rangel says so. But where is Rangel as Harlem is turning into "Morningside Heights" and SoHa ? Where is he when we loosing landmark black business black jobs for Starbucks and other franchises. No where!

We Can't Blindly follow!

When Al-Pportunist gets a kick back and says he is satisfied with the
"remorseful-ness of some company that did something racist" and he calls off
the protest but he essentially got brought off. He is no better then them Human rights/Labor people who puts the Big Rat in front of the Building in protest to discrimination or health concerns. You pay them off they go away. We must not Blindly follow and say well I'm black and I'm going to support any thing black when that black person will lead you over a cliff.

Remember the African Kings sold us into Slavery and/or allowed the Whites to
steal us from our home. Not all black kings but a good amount so folks

You Can't Blindly Follow!

The Bishop Is Crossing Vol. 1 I Mogul Status coming soon..

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