Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Bishop is Crossing aka Why So serious?? (What I came here for)

The Bishop is Crossing aka Why So serious?? (What I came here for)

I love music; I am a musician, I love the arts; I am an artist. My voocation; I am a philosopher (well at least that was my major in school). But I'm also a capitalist because I decided on a career in the music business

Recently I have been told by a few people that I don't take "rap" serious enough. People wonder how I get award nominations but haven't put out a mixtape or ep in 5 years. Or haven't performed in 4 years (at least not in new york) this is what serious artist do I guess so I say "why so serious?" (I wish I could insert the voice)

When I started I made prolific records (endeavored to anyway) deep conscience songs, introspective and metaphysical conversations in verse and rhyme. It didn't work well it did I guess I was offered a deal (A major one). I turned it down because the spirit didn't move me to sign. I wasn't feeling what they wanted me to do basically being a pawn in the system (I'm a bishop!!) . A serious artist would have signed the deal. So again "Why So serious?" Being a pawn and servant to the system that promotes mediocrity and superficial forms of entertainment is not what I came here for.

So I make the "Exclusive" record to mix reviews . The thing bout music is every song has mixed reviews . Any song in history I can find 20 people that's loves a record and another 20 that hates that record. "Exclusive" is designed for a soundtrack a fun party record . But Real hip hop heads don't like the autotune (what up Hov' lol @brooklynsfate) they say its too pop. I guess a serious artist wouldn't make this type of song. "Why so serious?"

The "industry" loves the record. Every mover and shaker I let hear it loves it. (Accept Seandue but he just thinks I can do better and we differ in radio philosophy slightly but Ed loves it and they partners) its for radio its for the clubs people! Party deejays dig it. Girls love it. And if you ever partied with me you know its all real. But serious artist don't talk about partying serious artist don't party again "why so serious?" (I hope you guys are inserting the Joker's voice)

So I'm all over the place I start one project and then start another project and to the outside looking in it would seem like I'm jumping from one thing to another much like my love life. (I'm such a pisces go with the current baby! Sup' Lorna) I starting rapping and writing then I got into radio and tv now I'm focused more on my career as a writer now then radio/TV, but the album isn't out yet . Started the 50mics tournament left that laid low, finishing the album looking for the lead single (Exclusive Hello) came back with the Goodthyme Click movement, All the while dropping a song or a freestyle here and there and doing events and parties damn near everyday. A serious artist or business person would focus on one thing. I say "Why so serious?"

The problem with the underground is 99 percent of all artist have tunnel vision. As an artist we feel that its all about our craft and if we put it out there the world will hear it and it will spread naturally and I'm the next Jay-z . That's not how it works. The music business is more business then music in all reality and if you want to be in it be prepared to do more business then music

As an artist I know for a fact that if I wanted to I can destroy the majority these rappers out here underground or mainstream (Yes you.. :-) lol). I can go a few rounds and hold my own with some of your underground "Elite" or your mainstream "heros" a serious rapper with my ability would right? .. But "Why so serious?" That's not what I came here for.

Being the nicest rapper on my block or in my circle is to me "self-indulgent" and ignorant. That's what's wrong with New York's underground scene.

However If I make a party record folks or a "commercial" record I'm not trying to sell out or what ever I'm making music for my mood at the time . I have deep and depressing music too lol. So when you hear the album the moods will be all over the place. I might be singing on a track or I might be "spitting that fire" I might be political . But its music so there is no box. But a serious artist would worry about how they are perceived by the "circle" or the underground but I say "__________" (yep you know it!)

With that said my focus now is hit records and mainstream radio play. So I can't give the people all of my moods at one time until they at least know my name and stop confusing me with the late J.Dilla lol.

(Jaydee changed his named to J.Dilla the same year I started rapping then died 2 years later and I have to be giving grief by internet nerds and backpackers ugfff I digress)

What an artist must understand is that the masses DON'T KNOW YOU !! Or do they CARE TO KNOW YOU. You can't give people songs about your life and your struggle until they want to know it. Its like a date you meet a girl do you tell her your whole life at first? (Well I do but I can get away with it lol) You want to be funny and witty and entertaining. That's superficial and the beginning of any relationship is superficial that's why the music is superficial now because the industry is in a climate of ultra-superficial because the industry is driven by "New artists" they don't want growth. But a serious artist. Would say go against the grain I say "Why so serious?"

There is plenty of time to go against the grain but first you got to be let in the party before you can start dancing and doing your own dance.

I'm on a mission here. I have a calling I guess.

I look at the world and it bothers me . I look at the people and it saddens me. So I have a choice: Either stand on the corners and preach and yell like them crazy people on the train or who used to be on 42nd street or embark on a career in entertainment . I chose the latter.

Some quotes:

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it fall did it really fall?"

**So if you don't build a brand you can't build a fanbase then who will your music or your message.**

"In Matters of style, swim with the current, in matters of principle, stand like a rock" - Thomas Jefferson

**I came in this game to win but my cross is making music that honors the great songwriters before me but still fits into what's going on now ie got to get to radio**

"How does man become a voice with out being someone elses echo" - Cornel West

**My other cross honoring the greats but don't mimic them and make secular music but don't become a secular run of the mill artist**

'Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." -Jean Jacques Rousseau

**Can you say starving artist?**

"I can't help the poor if I'm one of them" - Jay-Z

**This is what I came here for. I am in entertainment to effect social change and politics to me is not the way and we are not ready for revolution yet**

"You can't Lead the people if you don't love the people you can't save the people if you don't serve the people" - Cornel West

**I think I'm only in the Love stage, I'm not in a position to really be of much service, my radio show was a vessel of truth so I'm trying. (Yes 2 quotes from Dr. West)**

I'm here to walk the path of Garvey, Malcolm, Martin, Lennon, Belafonte, Ali, Marley, Springstein, Pete Seeger, Tosh, and Micheal

But I need the light on my face before I can dance and after I'm done dancing I'm gonna sing and my song will be one of truth well at least my opinion of what the truth is.

I have been called "Industry with mentality of a def jam exec that is messing up the game". I was told I was at the same time a critic and I have too much I don't give a fuck in me. Its perception. I give a fuck about important things. And though I disagree with the industry and how it works I understand how it works and I know you can't fight the system you have to work the system until you don't need the system

So if I appear I'm all over the place know that its a branding each project is a foot hole on a rock face of this mountain I'm climbing. If you ever went rock climbing you would know that sometimes one's foot can only fit in certain holes and the next person may not be able to fit in the same hole . So an experience climber knows at times you may have to go around or even go down and around before you can climb up.

This is what I came here for this is my mission if you will. I am a boy from harlem from un-exceptional means from an un-exceptional background trying to do something exceptional. Now a serious person wouldn't embark on such a thing again "Why so serious?"

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