Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Bishop Is Crossing aka The Eyes Of March '010

So its that time of year again.. March is here.. Those that know me know that the first is my birthday and this time of year is usually filled with some sort of calamity . So I wait like a Captain who is sailing his ship into a battle, optimistic and confident that his vessel will survive but still not sure of what dangers awaits.

The Captain like me has fought this enemy many times before and always came out of the scrimmage intact . Yes we sustained heavy damage, lost a few casualties along the way but yet our flag still waves..

So as my Birthday approaches I'm trying to remain positive that this year will finally be the birthday and birthday month that isn't well for lack of a better word depressing. See its like murphy's law anything that can go wrong tends to go wrong for me in march. Now I wonder if its because I am a blessed person so I have the most high's abundant favor for 11 months out of the year so I have to sacrifice 1 month. Or its the forces of evil conspiring against me.. Who knows..

Through out the years I never saw it coming but I am to see the seeds that were planted for the harvest of march disaster and this year is no different. So lately I have been trying to put out these little brush fires now before the forest goes up in flames. However sometimes its best to let it burn.. And let the fire pass.

Like every year people close to me say think positive this year will be different blah blah blah

So to all my "friends" and extended family members and people soon to be cut off I thank you for well wishes and bday blessings in advance ...

And to those who have been trying to call me or text me over the weekend. I am happily hiding in the "Pokie-nose" with wonderfully limited services chilling in my homie's Den enjoying my melancholy mood..

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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