Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Bishop is Crossing aka Sweet..

The Bishop is Crossing aka Sweet..

Jazz music is soothing to the soul .. (I'm talk real jazz not that smooth jazz CD 101.9 crap) I'm talking Louie, Duke, Ella. That Jazz with that Blues Riff going on.

I used to listen more to it since I'm not working for the firm anymore I'm not confined to a desk . So now I listen mostly to what's going on now. "Staying in bop" I guess..

So as the Mood indigo plays on in the background I am in a melancholy sullen mood. I just left from a night of revelry chilling with someone I feel that our attraction to one another is strictly physical and we both know it which is cool. She is a girl that likes the scene (though she won't admit it).. Sweet..

I'm in the scene.. The scene is beginning to wane.. Beginning to lose its luster. This isn't what I came here for.

Folks I'm no promoter I am an artist I got involved in as a hustle to make money and stretch the brand which works but I'm tired of the scene..

I just want to make music.. How many model chicks wanna be groupies etc can I take down. To the outside its the life..

Both of my ex's have both married and moved on with there lives and I refuse to care about another woman again..

Well there is one but I don't want to I guess be in that vulnerable state again and she doesn't want to ruin "what we already have" code I guess for not that into you. Or she is afraid to subject herself to this life.. This industry life..

.. Sweet

How do you know if someone you meet is interested in you or they are interested in the persona I get that a lot

Everyone uses people that's the basis of a relationship you have something I want and I have something you want. Sometimes you settle I'm beginning to see that more and more..

Married women cheat on their husbands with me cause from me they want is fun from him they want money or stability

.. Sweet

My life needs a change this rat race I been on has been going on for far to long not so much the music side cause I'm on the cusps of greatness but what comes with it. I'm no longer comfortable I'm not in as  good of a space anymore.

When my best friend and lover walked away it was a good thing. I focused on me I focused on my career now its like what's next? How many of the same type of women can I meet?

How many unsigned artist who think they are the second coming of something that no one wants to hear anymore and who has no money for promotion must I tolerate?

How many I help who say they want to help me don't help me ?

.. Not so Sweet..

How many meetings get canceled because when its time for a check to be cut the person was ass betting and then when its put up or shut up time doesn't follow through..

The industry is funny it is funny because its a microcosm of America truly. America has the richest top 2 percent and everyone trying to get there. And the industry has the top 2 percent of successful artist and everyone is chasing them.

The problem is what you think is success 9 times out of 10 isn't . Not talking metaphorical about the pitfalls but I'm talking about most these artist are broke.

The comfort is my pockets are the same as 80 percent of the people you see on TV


Honestly I started this blog months ago and put it down and figured I finish it now.. My melancholy-ness has faded with the passage of the winter time I guess..

I'm back in school and I'm actually enjoying it. I've always enjoyed knowledge and learning but school was a chore an ends to a means but now its an indulgence because ultimately I'm doing what I want to do for good and for bad

the money will come I'm sure of it I'm positive. What will it cost me is the question

I've turned down record deals for large sums of money because the price was too high and so was my naïveté

But I'm wiser and all be it less "idealistic" about the business

Sweet... Or maybe not so sweet..

This game hardens you. If you do not keep yourself mentally separated from the rat race it will consume you. Its intoxicating the V.I.P. the famous and powerful associates. The women, the liquor, but if you let it will consume you.
I see it with a lot of the older artists who time has passed. They constantly trying to "get back" but can't. And they can't give up the chase.. Its almost like Captain Ahab in Mobey dick chasing that white whale

I'm a firm believer that anything you are not willing to give up you may want to much..

There is a thin line between ambition and obsession or dedication or addiction

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish this was written in english. is there a site where i could translate? and what language are you speaking?