Wednesday, March 19, 2008

God Damn America vs. God Bless America?? (In Response to Barack Obama’s The More Perfect Union)

God Damn America vs. God Bless America?? (In Response to Barack Obama’s The More Perfect Union)

"To be or not to be?” That is the question." Everyone knows that famous line from the Shakespeare classic Hamlet. "To be" meaning to continue ones existence to continue ones struggle in this experiment we call life. Every human being has an innate right to exist; “to be” so the question that I pose is what happens when ones right "to be" is subjugated by another?

The news, TV, YouTube, etc. Is all a buzz about Sen. Barack Obama's (The Anti-Christ) latest speech on race in America entitled "The More Perfect Union" stemming from the snippets of his pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright. "Anti American statements”. Rev Wright shouted from the pulpit "God Damn America" as apposed to “God Bless America”. Obama denounced Wright's sentiments simply explaining away these comments as residual remnants of years of oppression. Let's be frank Barack Obama has to walk a very thin tight rope with issue to try and explain to "White America" the roots of these sentiments.

Black people or African Americans have always been called “The conscience of America” because of the great sin of slavery and Jim Crow. Obama touched on this issue ever so slightly. Urging whites to open there minds and be more understanding of the preverbal chip on our brown shoulders.

I have many white friends I have many friends of many races. With that said I have an understanding of many different racial perspectives, however No race no minority group Jewish, Latino, Asian, Indian etc can understand what it means to be Black in America (not to mention a black man). The crime of slavery and Jim Crow was not simply the bondage of black people or labor without payment, or even lack of rights. No most damaging aspect to of black oppression was the systematic disenfranchisement of at least two generations. Two generations of the emasculation of our fathers in front of our mothers. Two generations of the rape of our sisters and mothers in front of their brothers and sons. These things continued long after slavery was abolished.

The white person would say; “Why do I have to pay for the sins of my forefathers? For something my ancestors did?” My answer is because you the white person directly benefit. Economically the white person had the ability to accumulate generational wealth something that the freed slaves were unable to do. Barack Obama touched on this point also during his speech.

However I digress I'm not here to talk race or class, but to defend Reverend Jeremiah Wright. "Goddam America" or "God bless America”? The good reverend uttered those controversial words after 911. I once said similar things many black people have shared similar reactions as well as many whites. Bill Maher even lost his ABC Show because of such “radical” statements. Such Rhetoric is not born out of hatred of America or its people but simply the understanding of the universal law of karma. “The Reaping of what you sow”; “The returns on one’s investment” so to speak. What did Martin call it "a burning house”?

The Attacks of 911 happened and unfortunately Katrina and possibly something even worse will happen because of our yes "our" (The American Government’s) disregard for innocent life abroad. I don't mean Hiroshima either. I once in my "youth" believed that the World War 2 nuclear bombing of Japan not once but twice was the United States greatest sin. However in hindsight we had no choice. More lives would have potentially been lost Japan’s resolve was too great, too entrenched. A Great man F.D.R labored over the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. A man such as President Roosevelt who did so much good for poor people of all colors couldn’t habitually made the decision to kill millions of innocents. Today’s leadership doesn’t get such a pass, unfortunately Roosevelt’s predecessors (with the exception of L.B.J.) doesn’t have the greatest track record of “good will towards man kind”. Our sins; again "our" sins around the world are wars in Korea, Vietnam. Iraq; policies of neglect to countries with no financial interest to us is the gravest of injustice. Yes America's sins are policies such as "shock and aw”. The Bombing of civilian targets, hospitals, churches, schools etc., In an effort to limit American causalities. “Our” sin folks is the assumption that American lives are some how superior to the lives of other human beings on this planet. This is a policy set for by the "majority" population who are in control of this country. This infers that a white person’s life is worth more then the life of a person of color. Any person of color or of non Christian distinction is in someway inferior. Something we as black people need to get over as well, but since this is not a conversation on religious fallacy I will end here on that point.

These are the chickens that are coming home to roost people. Barack doesn't agree at least not publically with my position. However America who's wealth is founded on two generations of free labor, the near extinction of indigenous people (American Indians). An economic structure which is predatory and immoral in respect to the innocent citizens of the world; not to mention the citizens of its own country.

“America, the Beautiful”, who outsources its jobs to limit the opportunities for the next generation of potential workers and leave them with military service as the only option. (Sickens me how they prey on our poor teenagers white and black)

“America, The Great”, which creates wars with lesser countries to destroy the infrastructure of that unfortunate country then build it back up with Halliburton.

“America, The Home Of The Free” ,who allows illegal immigration for the sole purpose of suppressing wages creating a class of people who have no legal defense against mistreatment, abuse (sexually and physically) fare wages, health care etc.. Sounds familiar? (Sounds like slavery to me.)

“America, Who God Done Shed It’s Grace Upon”, who uses images of coonery and thugery as a representation of black people to the rest of the world and the middle states of America who maybe has two or 3 black families in their own town.

“America, Our Great Land Of Opportunity”, who sets all of the minority races in opposition with one another on political lines, entertainment and educational. Allowing as well as encourage, the idea for one race to believe that the source of all their troubles are caused by their brethren of a different creed.

How does one ask for god to bless such a country?

I say Goddam America!! Goddam the United States government!!

But I also say God bless her people white black, brown, red and yellow. God bless the poor soldiers who must bare our flag and carry out the atrocities of this nation at the same time defend us from the retribution of such acts. (I call this “The Soldier’s Paradox”)

So the conclusion I come to mirrors hamlet "to be or not to be" hamlet determined that he hates life but loves living and chose to "be" but ended up dead

I damn America but ask for the lord's blessing for its people in a hope that its people, It’s children especially won't suffer hamlet's fate.

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