Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"To Lil to late.. The Impeachment Of Bush & Cheney But Props To The

"To Lil to late.. The Impeachment Of Bush & Cheney But Props To The
Little Dude For Trying"


Monday Congressman and Former Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich (You know the little one with the sexy wife) Filed articles of impeachment with regards to President Bush & Vice President Cheney. This is the second time Congressman Kucinich has tried to Impeach this administration. The last time he was ridiculed and ultimately his motion for impeachment was shot down. This time however with the Democrats controlling the House of Representatives and with the former Secretary of Press Scott McClellan who recently released a book documenting how this administration use propaganda to drum up support at home for the war. Mr. McClellan will soon testify on Capital hill. Is this to little to late.

We all knew all along that Bush was lying about the weapons. no one had the guts then to oppose his actions but a few and the “Little man” Kucinich was one of the few who while in congress opposed what the president was doing and who had the “overstanding” to see the bigger picture of what’s going on . I applaud you Congressman.

Barack you should strongly consider Dennis Kucinich for your running mate in November .

Dennis Kucinich Is a Congressman from Ohio and you need someone from the middle of the Country that can help you achieve that “working class” vote. I know he is to “Liberal” , to short etc.. but to me if you want change this man should have some sort of position in your administration.

Ps: To my readers. The fact of the matter is whether or not Obama does win things are already set in motion. My hope is that the good Senator isn’t the “Anti-Christ” and can actually slow down what will ultimately be our future.

Anyway check out Congressman Kucinich as he does his part to try and save our planet.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

There is more…. Just google it

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