Tuesday, June 17, 2008

As promised my Blog on Fatherhood...

As promised my Blog on Fatherhood...


This passed Sunday was father's day the only reason why I actually knew this was because everyone kept sending me "Father's Day Well wishes" despite the fact that I am not a Breeder!! Those that know me knows my stands on bringing children into a world as dysfunctional as this one.

Such a world that rewards corruption, selfishness and instant gratification. A world with a system designed to have a certain group of people literally and figuratively stand on the backs and shoulders of another less fortunate group.

“Life is no bed of rose”. People say I'm selfish for not wanting children. I never said I didn't want them I said it is selfish to bring them into this world. A baby is born perfect pure perfection straight from heaven direct from God. You have a brand new individual ready to be molded and shaped into something as grand as the actually concept of it’s existence and "we" us adults, parents, leaders, rappers, ministers, corrupt them because the ones before us corrupted us.

With that being said in such an imperfect world two parents are needed if said child will even have a chance in this dysfunctional environment we call the planet Earth. Even then it’s a long shot. Fatherhood is lacking in our country, especially the black and Latino communities. A lot of times in black homes such as mine the "Daddy" is gone or never been there such is my case. My experience with Latino homes is many times the “Daddy” is there but such a poor of example of manhood that possibly it might have been more of an advantage to the child him not being there. This rings true in many poor black and white homes as well.

I never knew my father folks (don't even know his name) never had an inclination to seek him out. I was never bitter like some “black boys” growing up. But I could understand the damage of having that male figure not being around can cause. To me, having a father in your life that is a subpar individual is worst then not having one at all. I look at my younger brother who unfortunately knew his father. For the brief time my brother’s father was in my life I realized that he was a “substandard” individual. In hindsight I did at times enjoy the “male bonding” but I also knew at 9 I was intellectually superior. So my brother is born and his “Daddy” was gone soon after. I had at 10 years old resigned myself to the conclusion that I would have to be a father to my little brother I would have to be the tough one I couldn’t be his friend . My mother decided I guess that she made a mistake by not having my father in my life (she didn’t make a mistake by the way but my mother is damaged. I tell you people stop having children you just continuing a cycle of dysfunction!!!) So this fool comes into my brother’s life and well my brother realized that he was a “substandard” But the damages is done but I did my job and he is going to be another dangerous educated black man and this I am proud of.

I use the term “substandard individual” so I don’t have to say the word NIGGER, not NIGGA but NIGGER from the Niggroidian term describing no account people who’s very existence is a waste on the Earth’s natural resources. “substandard individuals” shouldn’t have children shouldn’t be fathers.

Much has been made over Barack Obama aka the Anti-Christ’s speech on fatherhood which I have posted above. He focuses on the black community and the 50 percent ratio of single mother’s in our communities. 50 Percent half of all these little black children running around town are fatherless in the home. Not saying that all of the 50 percent have fathers who do not take an active role in the kid’s life but I can make safe in my judgment to say most don’t.

I’m going to talk to women for a second and explain how “Men” think. If we love you the “women” and I mean truly love care for, honor etc... Then nine times out of ten we “the Man” will have an interested in that baby’s development. Will want to stick around and be a father. You have some men who simply feel obligated no matter the circumstances to be a father , these people are not in the majority. It’s not in a male’s nature the male species to stick around the nest

Humans are animals no matter what the Bible or the Quran says. We are driven by animal instincts thanks to evolution or whatever we have the ability to use reason and have emotions that guide our instincts. Not making an excuse for the deadbeat daddies of the world just stating a fact. We don’t want the woman we don’t want the child (Most times). And if you have a kid when we meet you most times we don’t want you lol.

Then you have the men who aren’t ready to be Men they truly are in love with the young lady going through the motions of a relationship and etc. But then fatherhood is thrust upon them and that’s real folks to be a Father is REAL its serious business. A lot of men can’t handle that pressure so this is why you see the women getting killed or the men simply running away.

This cycle this fear of growing up must stop in our communities I understand its 2008 and we are in a selfish period of our human existence when there is no thought or care to the outcome of those that come behind you I dig I get where we at. But its time to stop we are in a critical time in our history.

We had a topic on my radio show a few weeks ago discussing the lack of role models in the black communities, the lack of mentorship. The only ones that black boys indentify with are entertainers for the most part rappers and I’m scarred that today’s generation is being guided by today’s Hip-hop stars not saying that our Hip hop legends were angels but at least most had integrity had a story to tell other then “The world is fucked up so lets get money and fuck bitches and look out for number 1”. Our entertainers need to do better we need songs about fatherhood and family So the kids can see that hey caring for a woman and raising a family isn’t a sign of weakness it doesn’t mean that you are pussy whipped it means you are an adult .


Men we can no longer sit back run from our responsibilities (I say we meaning ya'll niggas I aint having kids) its time to be a man its time support our women. Its time to father our children. This goes for sons and daughters. Little girls need a positive example of a man as much as little boys do. We can no longer continue the cycle of Immature Men procreating with insecure and angry women. We can no longer watch as our children run wild in the streets with no goals passed Friday night. Real men stand up be a father to your children be husband to your wives. Husband means the band that holds the family together the foundation.

Until humankind Black, White, Latin, and the rest start being better people and better parents I will not be selfish enough to bring another life into this world. Until folk actually take parenting seriously enough to understand that your life is for that Child no longer is about you and your dreams and aspirations your job is cultivate a positive and contributing member of society I refuse to be responsible for thrusting another person into a society with so many damages people.

Besides it doesn’t look like we are going to improve anytime soon so there isn’t probably that may more days left for us Human’s on this planet at this rate. But I guess I still have some hope...

PS: Congrats to my homie Scott on the birth of his baby girl Jessica…

Jessica Joy Stockdale good luck ..

Monday, June 16, 2008


Happy Birthday 2pac

Everyone put down your Carter 3’s and pick up some 2pac today





Just a few of the big homie's classics.. Tupac still inspires me today to do what I do make music, try and be a voice of integrity and stand alone in a game that demands selling out and unmoral compromises.. I'm Trying Pac thats all I can say

"You left a nigga on his own how long we mourn" - 2pac (Life Goes On)

"It's like when Pac done left us I heard a lil voice saying "Did you step up" " - J-Didda (I Want It All)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"To Lil to late.. The Impeachment Of Bush & Cheney But Props To The

"To Lil to late.. The Impeachment Of Bush & Cheney But Props To The
Little Dude For Trying"


Monday Congressman and Former Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich (You know the little one with the sexy wife) Filed articles of impeachment with regards to President Bush & Vice President Cheney. This is the second time Congressman Kucinich has tried to Impeach this administration. The last time he was ridiculed and ultimately his motion for impeachment was shot down. This time however with the Democrats controlling the House of Representatives and with the former Secretary of Press Scott McClellan who recently released a book documenting how this administration use propaganda to drum up support at home for the war. Mr. McClellan will soon testify on Capital hill. Is this to little to late.

We all knew all along that Bush was lying about the weapons. no one had the guts then to oppose his actions but a few and the “Little man” Kucinich was one of the few who while in congress opposed what the president was doing and who had the “overstanding” to see the bigger picture of what’s going on . I applaud you Congressman.

Barack you should strongly consider Dennis Kucinich for your running mate in November .

Dennis Kucinich Is a Congressman from Ohio and you need someone from the middle of the Country that can help you achieve that “working class” vote. I know he is to “Liberal” , to short etc.. but to me if you want change this man should have some sort of position in your administration.

Ps: To my readers. The fact of the matter is whether or not Obama does win things are already set in motion. My hope is that the good Senator isn’t the “Anti-Christ” and can actually slow down what will ultimately be our future.

Anyway check out Congressman Kucinich as he does his part to try and save our planet.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

There is more…. Just google it