Monday, October 13, 2008

Barack Vs 50-Cent in Response to Ras.

Barack Vs 50-Cent in Response to Ras.

Barack Vs 50-Cent in Response to Ras.
I wonder if you watched it?? The Barack 50 comparision is very valid because Barack could have very easily been 50 cent and vice versa circumstances make you what u are. the problem with people is they do not understand what its like to be a black man in america. Its different then being any other minority i dont care what you say about we over came and blah blah .
America itself is a complicated place and the relationship between Ameirca and its black/African American population is a complicated one. Asians, Latinos, even west Indians (of African Decent) say I don’t understand blacks we can to this country and we grind and look I own a store or built a business, have property. And I came to this country and look what we have done in a short amount of time. They go on to say You African Americans have been here forever and cant do what we’ve done. Now not all people say that but lets be frank about this. Any Immigrant for the most part that came to this country came with something. Even if they “illegal” What did the Black person have after slavery? Nothing not one thing, but the skin on their backs!

The South was destroyed after the civil war the economy in the southern states in shambles but “we” survived. Blacks were giving position in the congress during the reconstruction era only because all the white representatives were considered traitors and where either dead or in Jail. And Southern whites lost the right to vote during this era. So who was left to Govern? The Blacks. Now African Americans didn’t have the right to vote in congress but atleast they could speak right as if their fellow congressman cared to listen.
This is History folks. Its not excuses.
Andrew Johnson was impeached but not convicted and thus removed from the Presidency . In order to keep the congress from gaining the “two-thirds” Majority Vote needed a deal was struck and Johnson ended “reconstruction” Pardoned nearly all confederates which gave The former confederates (Slave owners) back their governing authority. Blacks being the Minority were voted out of governing positions new laws (Jim Crowe) were in-acted that hampered blacks development as social and economic force. Whites were afraid at the accomplishments Blacks had made in a short period of time . Reconstruction was only 10 years. And in less then 2 all of that progress was un-done.
The American experience so to speak is of hypocracy The government for the most part has always been controlled by “southern White Men” Why do you think Most of our Presidents have been southern. The Southern people where the first to settle the mid-west for the most part. The west coast . Southern interests and Ideals have shaped the fundamental politics and governing practices of our nation since the civil war. There has always been this undertone of Fear of the African American especially The African American Male. Southerners own conscience has always been something they try to suppress throughout history. The Fear that one day the Blacks will rise up and take revenge for the enslavement of their ancestors is a Very real subconscious Fear that a lot of White people today have.

Politicians play on that fear to keep themselves in power. Thus they promote the most ignorant the most negative of us as an example of what it means to be black. Think about it how the hell is Flava Flav a star? Why would Chuck D. be allowed to speak his black upliftment messages but only if he allowed a “coon” to be his hype man?

Black people have to “Play Dumb to Catch Wise”. In order to get a job or keep a job in corporate America we have to soften our tone when we speak. Work twice as hard just to be on equal footing. So it’s a game of personally endurance why do you think black men die at 55,60? So a 50-cent could have easily been a Barack Obama or vice versa.

Lets say Young Curtis Jackson’s mother wasn’t a drug dealer and was an educated woman? Lets say Curtis had a grand parent that he went to live with that wasn’t living in south Jamaica queens? Exposed to “middle class values” and higher public education. We all know the school system budget is based on property taxes. So if you living in a neighborhood or state that pays more local property taxes per-capta the schools will be better.

On the flip side lets Imagine Young Barry O’s parents stayed together just a little bit longer. They moved to Harlem. It is documented that Barack Obama Sr. had a serious drinking problem and died a broken man. So lets say he was in the picture during his downward spiral. Who do you think would suffer the most being raised in that unstable environment. ?

What I’m saying People is that a “50-cent” a thug person is the same as that “Barack Obama”. So parents your 3 year old boy that is sweet and innocent can grow up to be a menance to society or the next president of the United States.

It’s Life

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