Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Bishop Is Crossing aka "The Party Life... NYC Is Getting Lame.."

My little Brother The Buzzard ask me a question: "Do I enjoy all the parties and events I go too ?" My response was yea I guess but at times it gets tiring.

See one of my many hustles is event planning and party promotion. There is a certain thril envolved of organizing an event, book the venue, promoting for weeks then the day comes and you don't know what is going to happen. Will you a)Profit b) break even (we call it live to fight another day) or c) Bust

I been at all 3 spaces. but then comes the big events such as Last night @ Prime I was one of the promoters on the LLoyd Banks Bday bash which was filled beyond capicity. I couldn't really Enjoy myself why you ask?

Well ..

The security was extra thoro which caused an unbelievable delay of the light. People were waiting for 3 hours to get in. Texting and calling me .

Now I told everyone to be there @ 10 because I knew but still we had atleast 1200 black folk last night.

Now folks some nights in the promo game you are a Captin, other nights you are an ensign and anywhere between. I guess last night I was a Jr grade Leutenant . So I could walked people in with me but I couldn't very go outside cause then I have to it for everyone.

With that said the amount of vibrations my phones had ruined my night cause I would have loved to got everyone in. (Same thing happen at Jada's party the amount of Hate I received for that was crazy)

But it goes to the core no one wants to wait online

Sunday @ guesthouse the line was held up by 200 "superstars" rushing the front putting the admiral (hollywood chuck) under pressure with security and the police. Now I here I come Lt. Didda and I need to get in but can't get the Admiral's attention

So I chill across the street talking to passer buys inviting them to Banks party sitting calmly on the construction thingy. One of the punk police ask me if I'm waiting for someone I explain I'm promoting and directing my people to go on the line and not rush the front. (Bullshiting but I didn't feel like arguing with a cop and he did come at me very nice and respectful so I figured I would curtail my disgust for him and his cronnies)

So as I peep the "superstars" maybe 10 percent were bottle poppers most were just people who "knew the promoter" and wanted special treatment (duh of course you know the promoter that's the point!)

Its a culture in New York a mentality of "our" people which causes the party scene to be wack now a days and keep sensible people from wanted to come to my parties. The same mentality that is ruining the music

Everyone in New York is a Rapper, Singer, Model, super star mogul and want to be scene!

Last Night @ Prime was for me the worst because they Let everyone in the damn V.I.P. So V.I.P. Didda left V.I.P. And went to the bar and chilled before I said I'm done.

The ladies though sexy were also for the most part there to be seen and bag an industry nigga. (I wasn't in the mood for groupie love last night)

I ask myself is it cause I'm getting gulp "older" that the scene doesn't excite me ? That I'm not on the dancefloor pullin chicks like I did since 16 . No its the people

There was more people in the vip and directly outside vip then on the dance floor. Everyone on the blackberrys I'm like what the fuck is this?

No wonder the music in new york sucks cause no one knows how to party and feel good anymore.

There is no songs about meeting a sexy young lady in the club and you just have to get her number. And maybe nature takes it course and u have that one night stand. New york artist don't write that.

They write songs is all about poppin bottles in vip with a model argo the models are only fucking with the bottle poppers.

I'm not bitter cause yall know I pop bottles and bend nuff models I'm steppin back and looking at the people.

To qoute Dash from the Incredibles "if everyone is special then no one is special" what's wrong with being regular and just having fun and getting ur dance on?

Last week me and my homies left my Girl Jazz from Blackbuddafly bday bash and went to the bronx to a nice hole in the wall jamican club. Filled with killers and drug dealers my kinda people! Why cause they got money already and they don't need to waste time stunting. And girls were just girls not models, not singers just regular women looking to have fun.

What is it about the manhattan club scene? That we have to book a big draw come up with gimmicks just to break even?

5 years ago a big artist party would be few and far between . Maybe every 4 months now its every week. There was more concerts and shows back then . There was probably an after party for the people who went to the concert .

Is it cause these ringtone artist can't hold down a full performance? Is economics? I don't know what it is but its ruining music!

Its ruining parties!

Its ruining my fun! (Most importantly)

I'm gonna be the king of a city that's dull and boring. Superficial, corney and can't dance!

"This is not what I came here for"!

**Sorry for ranting I'm not even gonna spell check or NOTHING!! **

Venting while waiting for my client to get here.

The Bishop Is Crossing Vol. 1 Mogul Status Coming Soon.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

Administrator said...

a men... thats why i go to the bars with cheap drink specials cause everyone is having more fun and not self conscience bout what they are acting like