Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What you leave behind...

*Not a "The Bishop Is Crossing.." But it could be but I have decided to not cross on personal editorials

What you leave behind...

The Bible has a famous passage somewhere in it can't remember but it goes like this:

"When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, when I became a man I put aside my childish ways... "

As Christmas approaches and the New Year aswell I find myself in my normal melancholy state of reflection that I do every year however this year is different. (Its wonder I don't drink more)

I made mistakes in my youth but mostly its the normal growing pains of life. And for the first time I find myself in a position of "uncertainty" (well near uncertainty)

I have spent entirely too much of my career helping others with their careers, though I have achieved some positive successes and achievements but in actuality I'm owed more then I received. Now this isn't a situation of me getting jerked or anything just in this business when you align yourself with "movements" you must be ready to pivot to the next thing and set up yourself. Which I feel I have done so very well. (Some people refer to this as paying dues.) From Rap to ghostwriting to rap to radio to more ghostwriting to radio promotion, consulting an executive postion then back again. I think I've done well for myself even though I'm still an unknown; relativily a drop in the bucket of a huge pond.

Now the thing about this game, when your involve yourself with something and that "thing" runs its course normally that person or persons you leave to focus on your own thing 9 times out of 10 will not support you. I say that to say this in 2008 I made a conscience effort to focus on me and in 2009 I took time away from Me well "J-Didda" to work with some heavy people . My position as A&R even though its a small company that has just opened its doors the experience I am gaining working with people that has shaped todays industry is worth more then my salary.

Now as 2010 approaches a new reflection and evaluation must take place, me as a "Man" I am deciding to be a better Man. I've always been a spiritual person (not religious ugff religion is for fools and power seekers) but I feel I need to do more to solidify my relationship with the most high because folks I am and have been truly blessed.

Most recently my best friend's uncles both passed away both relatively young men died . Life is short but it feels longs. But while I'm here I'm starting to worry about what sort of footprint I'm gonna leave behind.. What legacy.

Certain steps one must make in order to set themselves up for success. Its time to do more and speak less about what's going to happen. Foundations must be built before you build anything.

So this is a message to everyone in my "circle" that I work with or will work with. Play-time is over!!!

I'm Crossing and I have a chip on my shoulder now, roll with me or get rolled over or simply Left behind...

- Didda

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