Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Bishop Is Crossing (12/09/09) aka The Leap to Cynisism

The Bishop is crossing aka The Leap To Cynicism

I know its been a minute but here goes my latest "The Bishop Is Crossing" . This is my call to all "Cynics" and "skeptics" too to rise up. As well to awaken the dormant cynicism within us all. Apathy isn't poppin anymore folks...

First off let's Define the words Cynicism


1 result for: cynicism - cyn·i·cism /ˈsɪnəˌsɪzəm/ [sin-uh-siz-uhm] –noun 1. cynical disposition, character, or belief. 2. a cynical remark. 3. (initial capital letter) any of the doctrines or practices of the Cynics.

Which comes from the word Cynical

2 results for: cynical - cyn·i·cal /ˈsɪnɪkəl/ [sin-i-kuhl] –adjective 1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others. 2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others. 3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic. 4. (initial capital letter) cynic (def. 5).

A leap to cynicism is needed today. I have always been a cynic. People always seem to ask me; "Where do you get your views?"; "Why are you so negative?" Folks I'm not negative I'm a realist!

my views on everything from politics, to music, to people in general comes from the art of observation from studying people and the world around you. Religious folk would say "be still" and God will speak to you right? Right! (God speaks to me about Religious folk all the time but that's another blog)

Some people call it intuition that might be true I am intuitive about a lot of things but when it comes the world to me its more common sense. Its actually deeper then common sense. Its simply logic.

One of the pillars of Logic is "causality" simpling meaning nothing comes from nothing: So if "something(s)" happened "something(s)" caused it to happen (If A then B)

(This is a long one folks so sit back)

2pac did a song called "stairing thru my rear-view" I did a remix (I think I will post it later for your listening pleasure) Basically its a song about the "overstanding". Pac said life is a game to be played to look at the world behind you like you already seen it before. What he is saying basically is to look at the world from outside of time, from outside the "now" but look at everything in the context of history.

That's how I view the world I watch the news like its history because everything repeats itself. People are beginning to compare our escalation in Afghanistan to Vietnam, yes there are similarities but that too is an argument used to distract us from the true reason for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and possibly Iran. I will get to that in a bit. But I applaud the skepticism or better yet the "cynicisms"

America needs more skeptics & cynics . Cynics take skepticism to a higher level. A Skeptic gives an issue the benefit of the doubt but still remains unconvinced of a particular issue. A Cynic is just not buying that bullshit you are shoveling.

African Americans were once considered the moral compass, the conscience if you will of America. This is due to our unique position as being different from all the other citizens of our nation. "We" are not immigrants. Black folk as I like to call us (Well really I say N.I.G.G.A.s; Non Immigrants Gaining, Gathering & Achieving) didn't choose to come here. Our history in the United States has been filled with Terrorism, brutality, oppression, dis-in-franchisement, minor achievements, gradual acceptance and finally the apparent ultimate vindication with the election of the first African American President all be it half White and Half African immigrant.

Let's leap to cynicism when it comes to Obama. I truly believe that the number 1 candidate for the christian Anti christ or the Muslim Dijjar is Barack Obama. When I say this it pisses black folk off. See when the right wings call him the anti-christ they are doing it to degrade the man, with subtle racism and of course to scare their base and rallying the troops in an effort to oppose him. When I say that our President could very well be the A.C. comes from an understanding of the texts and an overstanding of them as well.

For the record I supported Obama. Met him in fact. Donated to the campaign . Why ? Because I believe If Barack Obama is in fact the Anti-christ then he already lost right? Right! I Let the metaphysical deal with metaphysical . Me I'm a physical being so I must deal with the physical. (In other words leave it in God's hands)

The Bible, the Quran and all other religious texts deal in metaphor and allegory . Jesus and Muhammad both spoke in parables so I cannot logically take these texts literal especially when it comes from man, But I accept the truths that are inherent with in all the ancient texts, if you overstand!

(Tangent I know)

So I believe the anti christ or the Dijja or whomever .. (Recently I learned of the concept of an "un-holy" trinity whatever) isn't representing the beginning of the end of the world but most likely the end of the world as we know it!
Our World's Nation states are by all intensive purposes nothing more then an illusion. We have a global economy, we have organizations such as the World Bank the G-8 and the G-6. In all things that matter we are for the most part connected. The problem is the "Frontier States". The "Frontier States" or "Frontier Nations" are the third world nations how do we get them in line? (Its more to it then this but we shall continue)

Why Cynicism?

As Black folk we always been skeptical or cynical of our Government we was raised that way . Unemployment today is 10 percent in this nation . So you know that's 20 25 percent for black people probably 35 for black men. When the country suffers we suffer more. "Uncle Jessie" Jackson said that Black people are the canary in the cole mines . We have been taught to always keep one eye on our daily lives and one eye on our government especially our President.

But then here comes Barack Obama....

Paul Mooney said at a show "Man we love him don't we? He is half black and half white. Looks like Malcom X and sounds like Martin Luther King" that's a Cynic talking . Comedians tend to be cynical. (Lord I wish George Carlin would've live to see Barack in Action or better yet Mark Twain)

I go on Facebook and almost every black person I see now have as their political affiliation "Obama" not democrat, not republican not liberal not conservative but "Obama" that speaks volumes. Our Black sense of skepticism has been pacified. America's conscience is gone. The black canary has flown the coup...

Its like when you would get in a car with your Uncle or Father going to visit your Aunt or Grandmother in the country you don't think twice about you getting there safe you just go to sleep, read a comic book, sight see . You know Dad got it, or Grandpa or in my case "Uncle Wally" Got it.

That's how we are treating things today. In every recession or depression before hand Black folk was marching and protesting demanding jobs, equal rights and protections.

Not Today!! Man we need to take a leap..

No jobs Obama got it, No Universal healthcare Obama got it. 35,000 more troops Obama got it. We not marching not rallying . Nothing just relaxing and waiting for "our President to sprinkle some AC dust and make it better"

Same with the white folk accept for the right-wingers who are against him from the beginning. (They kill me . Taarp is "apparently working we have extra so Obama wants to give Tax cuts to small businesses and the republicans are against this lol that's a conservative proposal)

Now I think the President is doing a good job so far. We are in a hole a huge hole! A hole left purposely by Bush so America would have no choice but to elect him.

Again look at the world outside of time. If the world is connected financially how do we connect it totally, when the majority of the world's population are brown people?

The answer: Get a brown leader simple.

Take a Leap To Cynicism folk.

It amazes me how Hip Hop the anti culture for the past 25 years suddenly was in my opinion was one of the most significant driving forces to the Obama Campaign. Why?

"Think about it.."

In fact the Entertainment community as a whole supported the man do you think it is a coincidence that white house chief of staff Rham Emmanuel's brother is one of the biggest Entertainment Lawyers in the business?

Take that Leap...

Let's get to the heart of it. Cause I'm going on and on and I can ramble about this subject until the cows come home. I apologize to the lack of structure bout the beauty about blogging is that the traditional rules of writing are a bit "relaxed"

Last week our President addressed the Nation about the escalation in Afghanistan and the "Left" is upset and confused. Why does Obama keep the same generals Bush had, why does he keep the same Secretary of Defense? (While we at it why the same Fed Chairman)


If it don't make sense it makes Dollars!!

This country only produces 4 things, our economy is powered by only; Entertainment (music, movies, sports etc), Financial regulations (banking, wall street, legal, IP), Healthcare (Insurance, pharmas) and finally the Military . The wars we fight make it possible for everything else to function. So are you surprised that 1 year into the new administration we are sending 35,000 more troops overseas?

Leap please!!

Let's talk Debt. Who do we owe ? China and the Asian nations. That includes India too by the way .

I promise you you're about to Leap..

The Asian Development Bank has been trying to build "The Trans-Afghan Oil Pipeline" in Afghanistan for almost 20 years. It will run from Turkmenistan (Caspian sea) through Afghanistan through Pakistan then India and China and Russia etc..

That's right folks.. Oil again

So we are fighting a war and sacrificing our young people who can't get no other jobs but military service for a pipeline that we won't even profit from why? Because America is the enforcers of the world.

Ready to Leap yet??

I can continue but hey I'm planning on writing a book so let me not give it all away in one blog. But then again I probably will if I get tight enough..

I will leave you with this.. Some of our greatest people were Cynics.. Ghandi, Jesus, Martin, Malcolm and of Course J-Didda (cheap plug I know)

In closing LEAP TOWARDS CYNICISM its good for the soul, good for your children and your Country

We cannot blindly follow anything or anyone anymore. As christmas approaches I always think of John Lennon and his "Happy X-mas" song. "The war is over, if you want it" . Even though we are pacified we still have the power to slow down "their" agenda.

Peace - Didda

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