Friday, September 30, 2011

The Bishop is Crossing aka Occupy your Mind..

The Bishop is Crossing aka Occupy your Mind..

Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Your Hood, Occupy America & the world.. But first people "Occupy Your Mind"!!

First & foremost, I stand with the “Occupiers” whose movement which started in my hometown NYC is beginning to spread to other cities across the country. Boston, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta and other cities are having similar movements.

Critics attack the Occupy Wall Street for its’ lack of "focus" its “lack” of “agenda”, “lack” of a “five point bullet-point presentation”. They proclaim that these are just a bunch of angry “99's” (of the unemployment variety); a bunch of modern day “hippies”.. (Not hipsters I hate those) They point to the lack of mainstream media coverage.. Even left wing heroes such as Thom Hartman, NorMan GoldMan, Lawrence O'Donnell, Keith Olbermann & Rachel Maddow was late to the party.. As always our so-called black leaders are even more late.(Ebonics..)

The believed problem with Occupy Wall Street is the movement's lack of a cookie cutter marketing strategy. The limited amount of media attention tries to compare it to the Tea Party Movement, which was nothing more than an elaborate guerilla marketing campaign.. We do the same thing with a new artist we pushing. The corporate media is late to the party because it’s hard for them to define it. (At least that's their excuse) The Right knows it’s against them but the "Middle Left" or what I like to call the Progressive panderers is afraid of this movement because it represents the frustrated and disenfranchised segment of their base. Not to mention Wall Street owns all the corporate media outlets. Is there any suprse of the lack of coverage?

So what is the Average person's problem?

Why the Apathy?

Why are the secretaries, mail room workers, lowly office clerks..etc complaining about the “Occupiers” disrupting their commute or lunch hour?

The answer is their mind is "Occupied" by the drunken stupor of apathy.

The one catch phrase I have heard from the Occupy Wall Street Movement is "You are the 99 Percent".

Bob Marley said to free your mind from mental slavery.. I believe our minds have become to “free” and we occupy it with nonsense, reality TV, American Idol the repackage New American Idol aka X Factor.. (If you're like me you turned it on thinking they did a TV version of the comic book)

No our minds are occupied with mental stimuli that is designed to retard our ability to think critically coupled with a narrow sense of processing information causes most people to lack the ability to see the big picture. Its either “Left” or “Right”, “Black” or “White”. “America” vs. "Them" (whoever they maybe)

My last Blog was "A Leap to Cynicism" (I have been slacking yes I know I haven’t been motivated to blog) I watched how people have become too complacent with their views.. How Black people who once were the moral compass of this nation have become the silent apathetic minority.

If you are black you cannot question the President without fear of being called a hater. Tavis Smiley and Cornel West have basically been kicked out of the so-called “Black establishment class” as Reverend Al-Pportunist has been basically ushered in as Barack Obama’s Fredrick Douglas, even got his own nationwide political show. (Ugfffzville indeed)

Little to no Media coverage was giving to Mr. Smiley & Dr. West's Poverty tour across America. At the same time the 2011 Census report shows that poverty in this nation is at an all-time high. In America 1 in 5 children live in poverty and the we are second to last in economic upward mobility amongst developed countries but the people are asleep.

Our slumber can only be attributed to the wealth of this nation and its safety nets that still remain for NOW and our President who despite the fact some of his supporters feel he hasn't done enough during his time in office still pacifies his supporters and left leaning critics. (Now I won't discuss my views on Obama or his place in the NWO's master plan, but I will say this the "Change..") Our Minds are clouded by nonsense.. We are so used to “sound-bites” and "twitter comprehension" that we can think past 142 characters.. Hell even Facebook dumb themselves down.

Today Ed Shultz who I agree with most of the time said he will not cover the Occupy Wall Street movement because they don't have a clear cut message. Ed went as far as to say they need disband and get folks registered to vote for the Democratic Party.. Mr. Shultz like many others on the left believe they need more than just to say "We mad at all the money effecting everything. Ed's passion I love but he has it wrong. That is the only message needed for right now, as it grows so will its organization and its “articulation”. (Local unions and labor organizations are begning to lend there support as well as celebrities so this will come)

There is no need for a 5 point-bullet PowerPoint presentation of the grievences of the Occupiers.. It’s clear!! The Owners of this world has overreached. These corporate Plutocrats have over done it.

The 1 percent controls the media political parties, our entertainment and even our educational system. I think that message is just perfect for now. The Entire world from the Middle East to Europe is saying the same thing..

"You are the 99 percent‼"

The Uber-Rich has over reached …

The American people is use to the rich getting richer we accept that, we understand that even applaud it but the “American Dream” that we may one day also be rich is becoming more and more an illusion.. Through education and hard work we believe if we work hard we can achieve maybe not riches but at least do better than our parents.. However things have changed. Manufacturing jobs have disappeared for the most part, entry level jobs has been outsourced and mid level employment offers suppressed wages with lack of growth. (Let's not forget the mountain of student loan debt.. That my generation is settled with..)

Do remember the outsourcing of jobs with these lop sided trade deals began with NAFTA & CAFTA which was designed by the Great Bill Clinton and his administration. In Clinton's defense he figured a surplus (which he left) would help buffer the lack of jobs and keep the American middle class & working class afloat as we transition to a new economy but it was started under Him.

President Bush of course went through the surplus like a drunken cowboy at a brothel and here we are..

The middle class is an endangered species and folks are starting to get it.

But of course the apathetic mind isn't occupied on the right thing and neither is the "so-called" mainstream left.. The "Occupiers" of Occupy Wall Street are having town halls, educational discussions on democracy and how to effectively convey their grievances. This is not the seeds of a political “sea change” or a political party's “re-focus” or “re-branding”, this is or could be a revolution..

Would you rather a peaceful revolution with marches and discussions, a movement that lacks some publicity and marketing campaign strategy or something a kin to the French revolution? The only violence so far came from the NYPD it was just a matter of time too..

My Issue…

I do not see enough black & brown folk down there.. With unemployment at 16.5 percent amongst African Americans there should be more.. Where are the black fraternities and soroaties? I know Homecoming is coming.. Occupy your mind on something else then apathy or avoidance.. I am glad to see Russell Simmons has giving his support perhaps others will follow and "we" will get more involved if only in a supportive role

It’s time to Occupy your minds on making this world a better place for my God Daughter and baby cousins

Occupy your mind after you free it..
#OccupyWallstreet #OccupyAmericaww

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