Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Bishop Is Crossing aka "The Silent Majority: Where are the "Good Cops"?"

If not all cops are bad why are they not calling for a house cleaning of their departments?

When President Richard Nixon coined the phrase the "silent majority" he was at the time referring to what he believed was the true political "center" of this nation, which was of course "conservative"

At the time he believed that "America" was tired of of all the protesting,  "riots" and political bickering about racial discrimination or the war in Vietnam. Nixon felt the majority of America's citizens were "silent", they simply wanted to be able to to work and raise their families and live out the American dream.

Nixon's critique of America was not only wrong, but he was being extremely disingenuous. Nixon used this perceived mandate to focus on "law and order" and this is when in many minds the law enforcement industry shifted from being a part of the community to being some sort of "sentinel" or "centurion over-lord" who oversees the community. For the African American communities especially in the south this was always the case..

Nixon aka "Mr. I am not a crook" was "the law and order" President and for all his faults his term "the silent majority" was a great catch phrase, and is still used by conservatives to this day. Maybe not always in those words but when politicians and pundits say things "most people just want to work and take care of their families etc. that is the meme they are referring to Nixon's silent majority. What these folk are really saying is that the majority of Americans live in apathy, and we should let them live in peaceful obliviousness.

Today we have a new silent majority the so called "Good Cop". I have my entire life said and believe that there are no good cops; there is no such thing in my opinion. My position is "politically incorrect" I know, I have been called short-sided, ignorant, prejudice etc. Some people would say that grouping all officers together is the same as when racist say all black people are criminals. (The fallacy of that analogy shows the depths of people’s apathy)...

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