Saturday, August 1, 2015

"The Bishop Is Crossing.. aka The Bull Moose Verses The Lion: What If Black Lives Mattered as much to Liberals as Cecil the Lion?"

It is time for the white liberal progressive establishment to embrace the #BlackLivesMatter Movement or the progressive agenda and America will be no more..

My favorite President and arguably the founder of the Progressive Party Theodore Roosevelt did a lot of great things that helped create the lifestyle in America we take for granted. He spoke of economic equality worker rights, a living wage, universal healthcare, old age and poverty insurance, etc. Roosevelt’s “Square Deal” Programs brought to a newly industrialized nation, things like food and worker safety, health standards, sanitation, curtailing the rise corporate oligarchy by proposing and ultimately getting congress to pass anti-trust legislation and banking reforms.

Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican at a time when Republicans understood the tension between the ownership class and the labor class, and regulations on business are essential to keeping the “playing field” level for the average working citizen and protect the public sphere. When his party moved “to the right” and began to favor the wealthy over the average person Teddy left his party. He started the “Bull Moose Progressive Party” and ran for a third term as President after he left office. Teddy ultimately lost his bid for The White House but he changed the political landscape for the next 100 years or more. Progressive members of the GOP left and found a home amongst the Democratic Party.

Roosevelt was also a celebrated "Big Game Hunter", America and the world marveled at the former President's safaris. The Museum of National History here in New York still has the spoils of T.R.'s “great hunts” as part of the Theodore Roosevelt exhibition. Yes Teddy was “a man’s man” and was for the common man despite being a member himself of the upper class of society. For of all of Teddy Roosevelt’s greatness he was a racist, but at that time in the early 1900s most Americans were racists. Today it seems that America is no longer accepting of hunting for sport. It is okay to hunt if we plan to eat our catch apparently, and the death of animals at the hands of factory farming is also okay. When animals are born and then grown only for consumption never having much of a life it is just fine for us but big game hunting is considered something we have "evolved" from not something civilized people do. The entire thing to me is hypocritical and I am a proud lover over red meat and chicken, however if I had to actually kill and skin for my dinner I know I would probably switch to fruits and berries very quick.

 Why doesn't Sandy matter as much as Cecil??

The outrage from all spectrums is absolutely an exercise in hypocrisy not just because most of Americans eat meat but because in the wake of the weekly, almost daily news stories of police brutality and deaths of unarmed citizens you would think the same people calling for the humane treatment of animals would also call for the humane treatment of well “humans”

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