Saturday, August 15, 2015

“The Bishop is Crossing aka We Don't Need Another Hero: Why Movement Politics Are Best When Leadership Is Decentralized”

Tina Turner' Classic "We Don't Need Another Hero" 

When we teach our children history we tend to center pivotal moments in time around strong historical figures. Names like Lincoln, King, Roosevelt, even Adolf Hitler are credited with shifting events and shaping history as if these people existed in a vacuum.

The "Great Man" theory permeates our culture. This dishonest, dangerous and lazy method of teaching of history has stagnated human evolution. Conventional history is coupled with Abrahamic dogma which has given mankind a a "savior" complex. Traditionally we wait and sometimes suffer until a “leader” comes along that will inspire us to act in our own best interests. But he or she never does and the people collectively take matters into their own hands.

Every so often the people awaken from their slumber and remember that the Man or the woman doesn't make the movement but it is actually the reverse. The people produce the right person for the times always.
It doesn’t take everyone, not even a majority of the populace. History tells us 20 to 30 percent of a strong dedicated member of a population can change a society. When enough people wake up they will inspire the fearful and apathetic into action. I believe we are witnessing another "great awakening" and the establishment is both scared to death and fascinated at the same time.

If you kill the black lion then Voltron cannot be formed...

The modern movements of today are organic & decentralized which in my opinion is a great thing. In the past the “enemy” has been able to stop civil rights or economic justice movements by directly attacking the leadership of said movements. They have successfully been able to kill off our leaders and subsequently the movements either died or went underground.

A leader or figure head is extremely vulnerable, They can be destroyed, marginalized, corrupted or discredited. For this specific reason the #BlackLivesMatter movement and before them the #Occupy movement was structured around no real central leadership. However this does not mean an absence of any leadership or organization nor are they devoid of a clear and concise position.

The danger of course is the potential for outside agitation is increased and opportunists may use the mantle for their own personal glory. There is also something to be said for large coordinated efforts and a clearly defined hierarchy that would make negotiation with political leaders easier.

So the tension is what do we do? Find a leader or continue with this new "insurgent activism" approach?

Men & Women of integrity are few and far between so picking a leader may be problematic. In addition celebrity is a drug. Many people enter into the public sphere with perfectly good intentions but the allure of the cameras is intoxicating and eventually personal status at times leads to compromises of core principles. With that said however at this point and time it isn't necessary for a "Moses to lead us to the promise land".
Continuing the analogy we all know way to “The Land of Milk and Honey”. Our problem is we are really just afraid to go, we know all too well the path to victory but we also know it isn’t necessary assured or achievable without personal pain and sacrifice. So we wait for “that” person to come along and say “It will be okay, I know the best and safest path”. Essentially to quote John Mayer: “We’re waiting for the world to change.” The world won’t change until we the people change it.

The "new way" is the best approach.

The enemy is too large, too entrenched, and too powerful. They have all if the resources; control of the mainstream media therefore the ability to shape the debate. Control of the judicial system; they have bought and paid for politicians who write the rules in the oligarchs favor. But most important of all “might makes right”; They control the police and military; this enables them to take out any infrastructure or institution they want to. They have a weakness however; they can't hit what they can't target...

They can't squash what they can't catch.

Click Here to read the Full Article: 

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