Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Jenn The Penn appeared on True Stories Radio and sparked a huge debate on egradioonline.com that lasted all day..

EG'S Ceo Ras posted this Blog in response ..

Internet vs. Satellite Radio - The Facts, The Debate, & What Hip Hop Listeners Don't Know!
So today marks an interesting day for EG Radio. I posted an earlier video from Jen The Pen dissing Internet Radio and several other people in the industry, and our viewers went off the roof about some of the things she said. Never the less, I think Jen knows what she is doing and we can't knock her hustle. You can check out her site here.

I wanted to address the Internet Radio vs. Satellite Radio Debate which spawned from this post, and give everyone some insight on where the state of the Digital Radio Industry as it stands today. Using Arbitron's 2008 Digital Radio Study which you can download here, you can clearly conclude the following:

Page 22 Facts

- 21% of The U.S Population listen to Online Radio.
- 13% of the U.S Population Subscribe to Satellite Radio.

Page 23 Facts

- Online Radio is The Biggest & Most Developed Digital Platform. There is an estimated 33 million Americans who tune into Online Radio on a weekly basis.

- Satellite Radio awareness and intent to subscribe have leveled off.

- Traditional Radio has to reinvigorate its image as a destination to discover new music. Although it still remains the number 1 way to discover new music, the study indicates that Internet Radio and Online Web sites have been the increasing trend in consumers finding new music.

For more details, download the PDF here. All trends lead in to the direction of Online Radio leading the listener base.

It's clear that the Hip Hop Community thinks that Satellite is a larger market. However, the numbers tell you that Internet Radio is a much larger market. Hip Hop enthusiasts may have been led to believe this because Hip Hop acts endorse and promote Satellite Radio. Often giving consumers the impression that it is the place to be.

However - this is all a part of Sirius and XM Satellites strategy. They specifically brought on famous dudes like Eminem, 50 Cent and provided them a vehicle to profit share using their own Radio forum. In return, Satelite and XM gets the Hip Hop Community. Great Marketing if you ask me. Especially since they have the Hip Hop Community thinking that Satellite is a larger audience. The facts prove the opposite.

What do you think?

Written By Ras.

Now you know me I cant be out done here is my response..

Lets Be Real About Our Position..

Internet radio vs. Satellite radio

This is in response to Ras Blog.

Well first things first lets be clear I love Internet Radio my show is on internet radio. The argument is fundamentally which one is better. Now Ras argument is that per capita Internet radio has more “total” listeners then Satellite radio

- 21% of The U.S. Population listens to Online Radio.
- 13% of the U.S. Population Subscribe to Satellite Radio.

On the surface these numbers look staggering.

Let’s dissect the numbers a bit. No men lie women lie and numbers don’t right? But numbers can be manipulated and interpreted many different ways if one is skilled similar to the bible or Quran or what have you.

The Internet is a medium designed to level the playing field of information access. Before the “internet” news and content was controlled by a minority of sources. Television, Radio and Print media was all controlled by a handful of companies thus independent gathering of information and its distribution to the masses was limited and very much nullified.

How does this effect music?

Radio station would receive music from the record companies, promo teams etc... Independent artist would have to go directly to the stations, program directors, deejays or host and try and get their single played directly. This still exists. Traditional radio has more of a filtering process. Songs would usually have to work its way into the Rotation cycle from the “Battle of the Beats” type segments, then to the mix shows (late night) with deejays like Red Alert, Kid Kapri, Flex, etc. When radio stations began to be acquired by big corporations the flexibility and autonomy of the Mix shows and deejays started to be less and less. Underground artist then turned to Colleges stations of “Independent”” stations such as 91.9 FM

This “Filtering” Process is both good and bad. The good it kept the game (the music business) from being too oversaturated with subpar material. The Bad however was the filtering process is subjective personal relationships are involved, payola etc. So the Internet radio comes along and Underground Hip Hop heads rejoice in the fact that anyone can start up a website and have a radio show. The playing field is leveled hooray the “Little Guy” can stomp with the “Big Dogs”

So when Ras posted those numbers of the difference in listenership I’m sure Internet radio hosts and Deejays let out a series of “WORD!” and “Hell yeas” and possiblbly some “that’s right NIggas” and “Hold Dat Didda” .

The Internet is a wonderful thing but it has a serious drawback it doesn’t allow for discourse. Unlike Most TV (not Fox lol) but generally the Organization that has a radio or television station that offers the public information has certain neutrality not the Internet. If you go to the Huffington Post you will see liberal views only. Maybe a few “token” conservative’s views. And only people who have “like” views, mindsets and dispositions will log on to websites with like ideas and values.

The same is said for internet radio. With the exception of the big 3 AOL Radio, Yahoo Launch Cast Radio, 1.FM (plug Bitches) we number 3. This internet stations are responsibly for a huge chunk of those Numbers that leads Satellite radio. LET’S BE CLEAR ON THIS POINT!! 21 percent of the United States Population is not listening to your Podcast show that you uploaded to a server just because you figured out how to use Blogtalk.com. "I’m not hating but I’m saying". (Quote from B.I.G.)

EG Radio is a wonderful community that is growing everyday and has thousands of listeners and people like myself love to listen to the shows and read the content etc. It’s how I get my news. EG Radio 1.FM Jamz are Free to log on and listen. Independent artist such as myself has a place to go to when the majors won’t listen.

But Stations like Launchcast and AOL and 1.FM Jamz operates like a Major. Big Corporate Sponsors who demand big artists and big records to attract the Millions of listeners who they can solicit for the millions of dollars they spend. That’s how radio works.

In a Survey taking last spring of 2007

XM Radio had 10.33 Million listeners Sirrus had somewhere around 4 million listeners of which Shade 45 Had 143,900 Listeners,

Sirrus Urban channels average in the 100,000 to 170,000 range of listeners. Partially because Sirrus has a base of predominantly “Talk Radio”

Channel 100 “Howard Sterns Channel” Generated 1.22 Million Listeners.

XM Radio has the Lion Share of pure music mainly because they don’t talk.

Now let’s put this in perspective. My Radio show when it is on 1.FM Jamz Gets on average 1200 to 2000 listeners a week. (with little to know funding for marketing and promotion) not bad considering we are considered a “Mixshow” and our musical content is different from the Rotation of 1.FM jamz 1.FM Jamz averages somewhere to 30,000 to 40,000 listeners weekly during its peak period of 10 to 7pm (work hours)

The Maximum amount of listeners I start with is 40,000 as apposed to Jenn the Penn (Who’s Net show Kitty Radio while on 1.FM Jamz did similar numbers) Show starts with 143,900 Listeners on Shade 45.

I can even say 1.FM the station itself which has several channels, Jamz, Gospel, (our biggest), Latin, Rock, Country, Pop gets something like 150,000 to 250,000 So technically Get It Poppin’ Radio Starts with a “Potential” of 200,000 listeners roughly . As apposed to Who Kid who starts with “Potentially” 3 to 4 Million. (Are ya'll getting the point?)

EG Radio had over a Million Downloads of its podcasts of varies shows. My show when syndicated gets to about 7 thousand each time my highest was 10,000 Thanks Ras I love you. So Da G.I.P. has gotten 40,000 or so downloads at least Thanks to EG Radio. Which happens to be Shade 45’s Potential Starting point.

We as a people tend to look at the next person that might be Head of us in certain things not necessary in other things and Hate. We Jumped on Jenn for making a statement about her achievement of going from internet radio the THIRD LARGEST Station I might add. And moving to Satellite and felt she is dissing “US”. Why did “We” Assume this? Because we are insecure about our position in reference to Satellite radio.

Internet Radio is an un-concentrated oversaturated medium. Anyone can log on to a server and say I have an internet radio show. Not anyone can have an Internet radio show with an established fan base, a foundation in which to build upon that’s something we should be proud of and striving to reach. I was tight at people for hating on her for what she does as the Gossip person. No one hates on Miss Info?? So what she said Flex is a dick rider he is you hot he rides your dick. Flex has never taking a position that would jeopardize his position and I’m not mad at him for that. I love flex he made me a lot of money at Spy. Rita G is a Hoe and she lied saying she dissed Bow wow when lil homie had it on tape and put her on blast.

We need to be real and frank with ourselves we are on internet radio cause we are not on Satellite or FM Radio. And you know what’s really funny FM Radio and Satellite Radio Stream their shows online also and that is added to the numbers for the internet stats...

Men lie Women Lie Numbers don’t...

Sorry Ras I had to burst the bubble I had too...

PS: Bishop Crossing Vol. 1: Mogul Status on the way Mid Aug... “Watch Me Work”

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