Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What you leave behind...

*Not a "The Bishop Is Crossing.." But it could be but I have decided to not cross on personal editorials

What you leave behind...

The Bible has a famous passage somewhere in it can't remember but it goes like this:

"When I was a child I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, when I became a man I put aside my childish ways... "

As Christmas approaches and the New Year aswell I find myself in my normal melancholy state of reflection that I do every year however this year is different. (Its wonder I don't drink more)

I made mistakes in my youth but mostly its the normal growing pains of life. And for the first time I find myself in a position of "uncertainty" (well near uncertainty)

I have spent entirely too much of my career helping others with their careers, though I have achieved some positive successes and achievements but in actuality I'm owed more then I received. Now this isn't a situation of me getting jerked or anything just in this business when you align yourself with "movements" you must be ready to pivot to the next thing and set up yourself. Which I feel I have done so very well. (Some people refer to this as paying dues.) From Rap to ghostwriting to rap to radio to more ghostwriting to radio promotion, consulting an executive postion then back again. I think I've done well for myself even though I'm still an unknown; relativily a drop in the bucket of a huge pond.

Now the thing about this game, when your involve yourself with something and that "thing" runs its course normally that person or persons you leave to focus on your own thing 9 times out of 10 will not support you. I say that to say this in 2008 I made a conscience effort to focus on me and in 2009 I took time away from Me well "J-Didda" to work with some heavy people . My position as A&R even though its a small company that has just opened its doors the experience I am gaining working with people that has shaped todays industry is worth more then my salary.

Now as 2010 approaches a new reflection and evaluation must take place, me as a "Man" I am deciding to be a better Man. I've always been a spiritual person (not religious ugff religion is for fools and power seekers) but I feel I need to do more to solidify my relationship with the most high because folks I am and have been truly blessed.

Most recently my best friend's uncles both passed away both relatively young men died . Life is short but it feels longs. But while I'm here I'm starting to worry about what sort of footprint I'm gonna leave behind.. What legacy.

Certain steps one must make in order to set themselves up for success. Its time to do more and speak less about what's going to happen. Foundations must be built before you build anything.

So this is a message to everyone in my "circle" that I work with or will work with. Play-time is over!!!

I'm Crossing and I have a chip on my shoulder now, roll with me or get rolled over or simply Left behind...

- Didda

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Bishop Is Crossing (12/09/09) aka The Leap to Cynisism

The Bishop is crossing aka The Leap To Cynicism

I know its been a minute but here goes my latest "The Bishop Is Crossing" . This is my call to all "Cynics" and "skeptics" too to rise up. As well to awaken the dormant cynicism within us all. Apathy isn't poppin anymore folks...

First off let's Define the words Cynicism


1 result for: cynicism - cyn·i·cism /ˈsɪnəˌsɪzəm/ [sin-uh-siz-uhm] –noun 1. cynical disposition, character, or belief. 2. a cynical remark. 3. (initial capital letter) any of the doctrines or practices of the Cynics.

Which comes from the word Cynical

2 results for: cynical - cyn·i·cal /ˈsɪnɪkəl/ [sin-i-kuhl] –adjective 1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others. 2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others. 3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic. 4. (initial capital letter) cynic (def. 5).

A leap to cynicism is needed today. I have always been a cynic. People always seem to ask me; "Where do you get your views?"; "Why are you so negative?" Folks I'm not negative I'm a realist!

my views on everything from politics, to music, to people in general comes from the art of observation from studying people and the world around you. Religious folk would say "be still" and God will speak to you right? Right! (God speaks to me about Religious folk all the time but that's another blog)

Some people call it intuition that might be true I am intuitive about a lot of things but when it comes the world to me its more common sense. Its actually deeper then common sense. Its simply logic.

One of the pillars of Logic is "causality" simpling meaning nothing comes from nothing: So if "something(s)" happened "something(s)" caused it to happen (If A then B)

(This is a long one folks so sit back)

2pac did a song called "stairing thru my rear-view" I did a remix (I think I will post it later for your listening pleasure) Basically its a song about the "overstanding". Pac said life is a game to be played to look at the world behind you like you already seen it before. What he is saying basically is to look at the world from outside of time, from outside the "now" but look at everything in the context of history.

That's how I view the world I watch the news like its history because everything repeats itself. People are beginning to compare our escalation in Afghanistan to Vietnam, yes there are similarities but that too is an argument used to distract us from the true reason for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and possibly Iran. I will get to that in a bit. But I applaud the skepticism or better yet the "cynicisms"

America needs more skeptics & cynics . Cynics take skepticism to a higher level. A Skeptic gives an issue the benefit of the doubt but still remains unconvinced of a particular issue. A Cynic is just not buying that bullshit you are shoveling.

African Americans were once considered the moral compass, the conscience if you will of America. This is due to our unique position as being different from all the other citizens of our nation. "We" are not immigrants. Black folk as I like to call us (Well really I say N.I.G.G.A.s; Non Immigrants Gaining, Gathering & Achieving) didn't choose to come here. Our history in the United States has been filled with Terrorism, brutality, oppression, dis-in-franchisement, minor achievements, gradual acceptance and finally the apparent ultimate vindication with the election of the first African American President all be it half White and Half African immigrant.

Let's leap to cynicism when it comes to Obama. I truly believe that the number 1 candidate for the christian Anti christ or the Muslim Dijjar is Barack Obama. When I say this it pisses black folk off. See when the right wings call him the anti-christ they are doing it to degrade the man, with subtle racism and of course to scare their base and rallying the troops in an effort to oppose him. When I say that our President could very well be the A.C. comes from an understanding of the texts and an overstanding of them as well.

For the record I supported Obama. Met him in fact. Donated to the campaign . Why ? Because I believe If Barack Obama is in fact the Anti-christ then he already lost right? Right! I Let the metaphysical deal with metaphysical . Me I'm a physical being so I must deal with the physical. (In other words leave it in God's hands)

The Bible, the Quran and all other religious texts deal in metaphor and allegory . Jesus and Muhammad both spoke in parables so I cannot logically take these texts literal especially when it comes from man, But I accept the truths that are inherent with in all the ancient texts, if you overstand!

(Tangent I know)

So I believe the anti christ or the Dijja or whomever .. (Recently I learned of the concept of an "un-holy" trinity whatever) isn't representing the beginning of the end of the world but most likely the end of the world as we know it!
Our World's Nation states are by all intensive purposes nothing more then an illusion. We have a global economy, we have organizations such as the World Bank the G-8 and the G-6. In all things that matter we are for the most part connected. The problem is the "Frontier States". The "Frontier States" or "Frontier Nations" are the third world nations how do we get them in line? (Its more to it then this but we shall continue)

Why Cynicism?

As Black folk we always been skeptical or cynical of our Government we was raised that way . Unemployment today is 10 percent in this nation . So you know that's 20 25 percent for black people probably 35 for black men. When the country suffers we suffer more. "Uncle Jessie" Jackson said that Black people are the canary in the cole mines . We have been taught to always keep one eye on our daily lives and one eye on our government especially our President.

But then here comes Barack Obama....

Paul Mooney said at a show "Man we love him don't we? He is half black and half white. Looks like Malcom X and sounds like Martin Luther King" that's a Cynic talking . Comedians tend to be cynical. (Lord I wish George Carlin would've live to see Barack in Action or better yet Mark Twain)

I go on Facebook and almost every black person I see now have as their political affiliation "Obama" not democrat, not republican not liberal not conservative but "Obama" that speaks volumes. Our Black sense of skepticism has been pacified. America's conscience is gone. The black canary has flown the coup...

Its like when you would get in a car with your Uncle or Father going to visit your Aunt or Grandmother in the country you don't think twice about you getting there safe you just go to sleep, read a comic book, sight see . You know Dad got it, or Grandpa or in my case "Uncle Wally" Got it.

That's how we are treating things today. In every recession or depression before hand Black folk was marching and protesting demanding jobs, equal rights and protections.

Not Today!! Man we need to take a leap..

No jobs Obama got it, No Universal healthcare Obama got it. 35,000 more troops Obama got it. We not marching not rallying . Nothing just relaxing and waiting for "our President to sprinkle some AC dust and make it better"

Same with the white folk accept for the right-wingers who are against him from the beginning. (They kill me . Taarp is "apparently working we have extra so Obama wants to give Tax cuts to small businesses and the republicans are against this lol that's a conservative proposal)

Now I think the President is doing a good job so far. We are in a hole a huge hole! A hole left purposely by Bush so America would have no choice but to elect him.

Again look at the world outside of time. If the world is connected financially how do we connect it totally, when the majority of the world's population are brown people?

The answer: Get a brown leader simple.

Take a Leap To Cynicism folk.

It amazes me how Hip Hop the anti culture for the past 25 years suddenly was in my opinion was one of the most significant driving forces to the Obama Campaign. Why?

"Think about it.."

In fact the Entertainment community as a whole supported the man do you think it is a coincidence that white house chief of staff Rham Emmanuel's brother is one of the biggest Entertainment Lawyers in the business?

Take that Leap...

Let's get to the heart of it. Cause I'm going on and on and I can ramble about this subject until the cows come home. I apologize to the lack of structure bout the beauty about blogging is that the traditional rules of writing are a bit "relaxed"

Last week our President addressed the Nation about the escalation in Afghanistan and the "Left" is upset and confused. Why does Obama keep the same generals Bush had, why does he keep the same Secretary of Defense? (While we at it why the same Fed Chairman)


If it don't make sense it makes Dollars!!

This country only produces 4 things, our economy is powered by only; Entertainment (music, movies, sports etc), Financial regulations (banking, wall street, legal, IP), Healthcare (Insurance, pharmas) and finally the Military . The wars we fight make it possible for everything else to function. So are you surprised that 1 year into the new administration we are sending 35,000 more troops overseas?

Leap please!!

Let's talk Debt. Who do we owe ? China and the Asian nations. That includes India too by the way .

I promise you you're about to Leap..

The Asian Development Bank has been trying to build "The Trans-Afghan Oil Pipeline" in Afghanistan for almost 20 years. It will run from Turkmenistan (Caspian sea) through Afghanistan through Pakistan then India and China and Russia etc..

That's right folks.. Oil again

So we are fighting a war and sacrificing our young people who can't get no other jobs but military service for a pipeline that we won't even profit from why? Because America is the enforcers of the world.

Ready to Leap yet??

I can continue but hey I'm planning on writing a book so let me not give it all away in one blog. But then again I probably will if I get tight enough..

I will leave you with this.. Some of our greatest people were Cynics.. Ghandi, Jesus, Martin, Malcolm and of Course J-Didda (cheap plug I know)

In closing LEAP TOWARDS CYNICISM its good for the soul, good for your children and your Country

We cannot blindly follow anything or anyone anymore. As christmas approaches I always think of John Lennon and his "Happy X-mas" song. "The war is over, if you want it" . Even though we are pacified we still have the power to slow down "their" agenda.

Peace - Didda

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ultimate Coonery: 2 Drug Dealers Suing Each Other

Niggers I sware.. Two Dudes go on national tv to talk about a drug deal and suing for for defamation and emotional distress wow!! is all i can say

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wonder Mike & Master Gee Of The Original Sugar Hill Gang On Prison World Radio

Wonder Mike & Master Gee Of The Original Sugar Hill Gang w/Henn Dogg and DJ T-Dynasty Sit Down with The Tripletts On Prison World Radio. The Guys talk about 30 Years Of "Rapper's Delight", There New Song "The La La Song" With Bob Sinclair, and MaxaMusic Group

For Interview requests please email

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wonder Mike and Master Gee of the original Sugarhill Gang, MaxaMedia and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum celebrate


President, CEO
SpinPublicity, Inc/The TN Media Group

EJ Albowicz
President and Chairman Of The Board
MaxaMusic Group & MaxaMedia Group

Jayson "J-Didda" Butler
Goodthyme Click/MaxaMusic Group

Wonder Mike and Master Gee of the original Sugarhill Gang, MaxaMedia and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum celebrate
The 30th Anniversary of Rapper's Delight
- "The Past, Present and Future of Hip-Hop Tribute Concert"
and Industry weekend , January 29th to 31st 2010 in Cleveland, Ohio.

New York, New York, October 28th, 2009- Wonder Mike and Master Gee of the original Sugarhill Gang, MaxaMedia and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum celebrate the 30th Anniversary of "Rapper's Delight", the first single to bring Hip-Hop Music to the mainstream, with The 30th Anniversary of Rapper's Delight- "The Past, Present and Future of Hip Hop Tribute Concert" and Industry weekend, January 29th to January 31st 2010 in Cleveland, Ohio.

"Now what you hear is not a test--I'm rappin’ to the beat, and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.." Taken from one of the most influential songs in the history of the music industry, "Rapper's Delight" was forever made iconic as the first true Hip-Hop release, forever changing the face of the music industry. Listed as #2 on VH1's "Greatest Hip-Hop Songs " and #248 on Rolling Stone's "500 Songs of All Time", 2009 - 2010 marks a memorable milestone as the single celebrates its 30th Anniversary with Wonder Mike and Master Gee, members of the original Sugarhill Gang.

In an effort to create an unforgettable experience for all who have been influenced by this song, Wonder Mike, Master Gee, MaxaMedia, and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum have teamed up to present The 30th Anniversary of Rapper's Delight -"The Past, Present and Future of Hip-Hop Tribute Concert". Being held at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio in January, 2010, this event is sure to be one of epic proportions. The concert will include performances by Hip-Hop Icons, Current Industry Headliners, and Future Stars, and be hosted by Special Guests. Wonder Mike and Master Gee will be honored with a video tribute "What Rapper's Delight Meant to Me", in which celebrities, artists, and notable personalities give a tribute to the way in which "Rapper's Delight" affected their lives and careers. There will also be a heart-felt Tribute to Mr. Magic, an influential Hip-Hop DJ who recently passed. Current invited guests include Beastie Boys, Kid Rock, Will Smith, Grandmaster Flash, Drake, Young Money, Mele Mel, Kid Cudi, Bone Thugs N' Harmony, Busta Rhymes, Trey Songz, LL Cool J, Bob Sinclar and many more.

The concert will be the climaxing point of an industry weekend. The weekend kicks off on Friday with exclusive invite only cocktail party to meet and greet with Wonder Mike and Master Gee, and will be attended by artists, DJ's, industry executives, tastemakers and influential socialites. Guests of the event will be treated to special performances by Wonder Mike and Master Gee and other artists. Other notable events for the weekend include a Kid's Day and game lounge, an industry and unsigned panel discussion, an honorary brunch, and a concert afterparty. The event will kick off with a Press Party to be held at the New York Rock and Roll Annex in early December.

About Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum:
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. is the nonprofit organization that exists to educate visitors, fans and scholars from around the world about the history and continuing significance of rock and roll music. It carries out this mission through its operation of a world-class museum that collects, preserves, exhibits and interprets this art form and through its library and archives as well as its educational programs.

About MaxaMedia:

MaxaMedia Group, Inc. (“MaxaMedia”) is a vertically integrated, entertainment conglomerate that provides a full range of services to its artists, clients and customers throughout the world in each and every sector of the entertainment industry. The MaxaMedia family of companies are devoted to every area of the artist’s career and fans , while co-existing as a multi-media distribution record label (“MaxaMusic Group”), a music publishing company (“MaxaMusic Publishing Group”), a music, sports and talent management group (“NorthStar Management NYC”), a music production and artist development company (“GoodThyme Click”), a merchandising firm (“MaxaMerchandising Group”), an event promotion and touring (“MaxaMania”) and a film, television and video production company that specializes in music video, internet video, television series and motion pictures (“MaxaVision” and “MaxaMovie Group”). Each branch of MaxaMedia is headed by innovative and experienced industry specialists who strive to be the industry leaders by implementing cutting-edge strategies for each artist and delivering a superior product to fans and customers. The MaxaMedia artist group is diverse in nature, including world class, established and developing talent throughout music, film, television and sports. The end result is a machine that is redefining the rules of the entertainment industry and achieving successes with its artists in all aspects.

About Wonder Mike and Master Gee of the original Sugarhill Gang:

Influenced by the Music Scene in New York City in 1979, Wonder Mike and Master Gee of the original Sugarhill Gang jumped over the metaphorical walls of the inner city and into the realm of the mainstream with the first worldwide rap hit, "Rapper's Delight" (1979). Although rap and Hip-Hop music had existed for quite a few years prior to the Sugarhill Gang's rise to fame, it had failed to move out of the areas heavily populated by black families in the 1960's and 1970's. Disputed by some, the Sugarhill Gang is still believed by many to be the first professional rap group because they brought this "new" style of music to the general public. They soon surprised the world with their hit, "Rapper's Delight", eventually selling over 8 million copies, helping to pave the way for future aspiring rappers while bringing a cultural practice into the mainstream to reach a wider audience. The sudden popularity of this new rap music led those in the media to speculate that this musical style would be only a passing fad. But as we can see today, rap and Hip-Hop continue to grow in popularity.

For Sponsorship and Media Inquiries, please contact DonnaMarie at 516-467-6473 or

To be featured in the "What Rappers Delight Means to me" Video Tribute or inquire about performing at the event, please contact
Jayson "J-Didda" Butler at
For information pertaining to the actual event please contact Ej
For all other inquiries, please email log on to






Saturday, October 24, 2009

Meryl Carter Performs alongside R&B Star Lee Charm Oct 26, 2009

Goodthyme Click/MaxaMusic Group Record artist R&B Sensation Meryl Carter to perform on Monday Oct. 26, 2009 at the Santos Party House, 96 Lafayette St. New York, NY During R&B Star Lee Charm's EP Release Party for his fourth coming "Prince Charming" EP.

Meryl Carter and Goodthyme Click/MaxaMusic Group is taking the industry by storm. Her new single "Your Loving" Feat Vybz Kartel is blazing the Caribbean Charts as well as gaining State side momentum. "Your Loving" has been featured on NYC's Power 105.1 and cosigned by "The Reggae Don" DJ Noire. Meryl is currently planning her promo tour for 2010 . And will be giving a preview Monday Oct 26, 2009 at Santos Party House, 96 Lafayette St. New York, NY for her fans and a host of industry insiders.

"I am very excited to be asked to perform at Lee Charm's release party he is an incredible talent and I am humbled by the opportunity" - Meryl Carter

Check out Meryl Carter

Lee Charms is one of the most talked about up and coming male crooners the industry is really beginning to take notice. Using his boy next door charisma and tender R&B vocals, Lee Charm plans to take the music industry by storm. Many artists are blessed with talents, but Lee Charm is one of a kind, and has captured the hearts of his many fans with his electrifying performances. Lee has performed at many venues, including the renowned MGM studios, Radio Disney, China Club, the International Yo-Yo Conference, Nassau Bahamas Music Festival and more. He has also shared the stage with artists such as Sean Paul, Ciara, and TI, amongst others.
Currently, he is hard at work on his much-anticipated debut EP, Prince Charming, and a promotional tour to support that effort. A special gift ready to be presented to the world, Lee Charm is prepared to make his mark in musical history with his eclectic style and to show the world the true meaning of being an artist.

The Prince Charming EP is scheduled to be released on Monday, Oct. 19. Lee, alongside Musaic Management Group and Legend Factory Records, have been working on the project since June of this year. Producers and writers on the album include The Bundies, Brian Neal,Nate Keasley, The Inkredibles, Kevin "KJ" Johnson and Music Maniacz.

Check out Lee Charm

Prince Charming EP Release Party Sponsored by Altec Lansing
Monday, October 26, 2009
Santos Party House, 96 Lafayette St. New York, NY

For more information about the Prince Charming EP Release Party or for Media RSVP, contact Anastasia Wright at

For more information about Meryl Carter or RSVP Contact Jayson "J-Didda" Butler at

This event is Free and Requires 18+ for Admission

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Woman cant walk straight now caust of the "Flu Shot" I told yall.

This is exactly why I say what I say yall dont let them give you a flu shot they always have side effects

Poor woman life is ruined

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mecca Global Interivews J-Didda & Maddmann

While Doing my A&R Thing before Meryl Carter’s Rehearsals waiting for Meryl Carter and Seandue “the Boss” I was caught in the lobby of Ultrasound studios by Mecca Global and gave an impromtu interview with “NO SHADES” lol notice the bags under my eyes..

While leaving we bumped into the kid Maddmann and 2/3rds of the M.R.I. Movement was in the building..

Check out Ms. Mecca Global at and of course to see Maddmann

J-Didda Interview by Mecca Global

Maddmann & J-Didda Interview

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Master Gee and Wonder Mike Of the Original Sugar hill Gang On BBC International Radio

It is 30 years since Rapper's Delight by the Sugarhill Gang hit the US charts and became the first hip-hop hit record.

It took the sound of MCs rapping over beats supplied by DJs from the streets of New York and introduced it to the wider world.
So how did this famous record come about?
Master Gee and Wonder Mike are two of the original members of the Sugarhill Gang.

While many will identify hip hop with music, fans talk about the 'five pillars of hip hop' which include beat-boxing and graffiti.
DJ Trevor Nelson explains.

Hip-hop was born in the US but can now be heard around the world.
So why does it matter? The BBC's James Fletcher finds out.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Stand By Me '09 John Lennon Feat J-Didda (Happy Birthday John!!!)

Stand By Me ’09 - John Lennon Feat J-Didda aka The Bishop Of Harlem

In honor of the birth of one of music's icon. J-Didda releases his remix to Stand by me. John Lennon's contribution to the world went far beyond music . His message still resonates today. With the war in Iraq, the apparent escalation of the war in Afghanistan as well as the global recession and fight for health reform, John's life was dedicated to the common man, the innocent and impoverished. John lennon was not only one of the world's greatest songwriters he was also a revolutionary . So on this day we celebrate his life and his music.

"I did this song a few years ago Me and Fate was going thru some old tracks and decided to put this out as a tribute. R.I.P. John" - J-Didda

Download "Stand By Me ‘09"

Log on to to hear the hit single "Exclusive"

The Bishop Is Crossing vol 1: Mogul Status .. Coming soon

Log on to to see the Video "Stand By Me" feat J-Didda

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wonder Mike and Master Gee Of The World Famous & Legendary Sugar Hill Gang to be on the Wendy Williams Show Tomorrow Morning @ 10am Eastern Time on F

Wonder Mike and Master Gee Of The World Famous & Legendary Sugar Hill Gang to be on the Wendy Williams Show Tomorrow Morning @ 10am Eastern Time on F

*check local listings for syndication*

The hottest new independent record label Goodthyme Click/MaxaMusic Group Continues its assault on the industry .

The Sugar Hill Gang is single handily responsible for the commercial viability of Hip Hop Music. As we approach the 30th anniversary of "Rappers Delight". Wonder Mike and Master Gee are still as relevant as ever. Along with HenDogg & DJ T Dynasty they are currently achieving international success with their new single featuring Bob Sinclair " The LaLa Song".

The Fellas sit down with the Great Wendy Williams and discuss what it means to be considered the Fathers of a genre of music that has generated billions of dollars, as well as upcoming projects with Goodthyme Click/MaxaMusic Group including the 30th Anniversary Concert at "The Rock 'N Roll Hall Of Fame"

"I am humbled and honored to be working with Wonder Mike & Master Gee Of The Original Sugar Hill Gang With HenDogg and DJ T Dynasty. They are living history and together we will continue to build upon their legacy and gain a whole new generation of fans" - Ed Albowicz President & Chairman Of The Board Of MaxaMusic Group

“Wonder Mike, Master Gee, Hendogg & DJ T Dynasty are extraordinary performers & legends in this game. They started Hip Hop and still are making hits today” Sean “Due” Lashley President Of Goodthyme Click Entertainment

Log on to to peep the new video "The La La Song" By Bob sinclair & The Sugar Hill Gang as well as our other artists Meryl Carter, Beenie Man & Vybz Kartel

For press inquires please email:

Peep The New Video

Bob Sinclair ft. The Sugar Hill Gang - Lala Song

The Bishop is Crossing aka Why So serious?? (What I came here for)

The Bishop is Crossing aka Why So serious?? (What I came here for)

I love music; I am a musician, I love the arts; I am an artist. My voocation; I am a philosopher (well at least that was my major in school). But I'm also a capitalist because I decided on a career in the music business

Recently I have been told by a few people that I don't take "rap" serious enough. People wonder how I get award nominations but haven't put out a mixtape or ep in 5 years. Or haven't performed in 4 years (at least not in new york) this is what serious artist do I guess so I say "why so serious?" (I wish I could insert the voice)

When I started I made prolific records (endeavored to anyway) deep conscience songs, introspective and metaphysical conversations in verse and rhyme. It didn't work well it did I guess I was offered a deal (A major one). I turned it down because the spirit didn't move me to sign. I wasn't feeling what they wanted me to do basically being a pawn in the system (I'm a bishop!!) . A serious artist would have signed the deal. So again "Why So serious?" Being a pawn and servant to the system that promotes mediocrity and superficial forms of entertainment is not what I came here for.

So I make the "Exclusive" record to mix reviews . The thing bout music is every song has mixed reviews . Any song in history I can find 20 people that's loves a record and another 20 that hates that record. "Exclusive" is designed for a soundtrack a fun party record . But Real hip hop heads don't like the autotune (what up Hov' lol @brooklynsfate) they say its too pop. I guess a serious artist wouldn't make this type of song. "Why so serious?"

The "industry" loves the record. Every mover and shaker I let hear it loves it. (Accept Seandue but he just thinks I can do better and we differ in radio philosophy slightly but Ed loves it and they partners) its for radio its for the clubs people! Party deejays dig it. Girls love it. And if you ever partied with me you know its all real. But serious artist don't talk about partying serious artist don't party again "why so serious?" (I hope you guys are inserting the Joker's voice)

So I'm all over the place I start one project and then start another project and to the outside looking in it would seem like I'm jumping from one thing to another much like my love life. (I'm such a pisces go with the current baby! Sup' Lorna) I starting rapping and writing then I got into radio and tv now I'm focused more on my career as a writer now then radio/TV, but the album isn't out yet . Started the 50mics tournament left that laid low, finishing the album looking for the lead single (Exclusive Hello) came back with the Goodthyme Click movement, All the while dropping a song or a freestyle here and there and doing events and parties damn near everyday. A serious artist or business person would focus on one thing. I say "Why so serious?"

The problem with the underground is 99 percent of all artist have tunnel vision. As an artist we feel that its all about our craft and if we put it out there the world will hear it and it will spread naturally and I'm the next Jay-z . That's not how it works. The music business is more business then music in all reality and if you want to be in it be prepared to do more business then music

As an artist I know for a fact that if I wanted to I can destroy the majority these rappers out here underground or mainstream (Yes you.. :-) lol). I can go a few rounds and hold my own with some of your underground "Elite" or your mainstream "heros" a serious rapper with my ability would right? .. But "Why so serious?" That's not what I came here for.

Being the nicest rapper on my block or in my circle is to me "self-indulgent" and ignorant. That's what's wrong with New York's underground scene.

However If I make a party record folks or a "commercial" record I'm not trying to sell out or what ever I'm making music for my mood at the time . I have deep and depressing music too lol. So when you hear the album the moods will be all over the place. I might be singing on a track or I might be "spitting that fire" I might be political . But its music so there is no box. But a serious artist would worry about how they are perceived by the "circle" or the underground but I say "__________" (yep you know it!)

With that said my focus now is hit records and mainstream radio play. So I can't give the people all of my moods at one time until they at least know my name and stop confusing me with the late J.Dilla lol.

(Jaydee changed his named to J.Dilla the same year I started rapping then died 2 years later and I have to be giving grief by internet nerds and backpackers ugfff I digress)

What an artist must understand is that the masses DON'T KNOW YOU !! Or do they CARE TO KNOW YOU. You can't give people songs about your life and your struggle until they want to know it. Its like a date you meet a girl do you tell her your whole life at first? (Well I do but I can get away with it lol) You want to be funny and witty and entertaining. That's superficial and the beginning of any relationship is superficial that's why the music is superficial now because the industry is in a climate of ultra-superficial because the industry is driven by "New artists" they don't want growth. But a serious artist. Would say go against the grain I say "Why so serious?"

There is plenty of time to go against the grain but first you got to be let in the party before you can start dancing and doing your own dance.

I'm on a mission here. I have a calling I guess.

I look at the world and it bothers me . I look at the people and it saddens me. So I have a choice: Either stand on the corners and preach and yell like them crazy people on the train or who used to be on 42nd street or embark on a career in entertainment . I chose the latter.

Some quotes:

"If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it fall did it really fall?"

**So if you don't build a brand you can't build a fanbase then who will your music or your message.**

"In Matters of style, swim with the current, in matters of principle, stand like a rock" - Thomas Jefferson

**I came in this game to win but my cross is making music that honors the great songwriters before me but still fits into what's going on now ie got to get to radio**

"How does man become a voice with out being someone elses echo" - Cornel West

**My other cross honoring the greats but don't mimic them and make secular music but don't become a secular run of the mill artist**

'Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." -Jean Jacques Rousseau

**Can you say starving artist?**

"I can't help the poor if I'm one of them" - Jay-Z

**This is what I came here for. I am in entertainment to effect social change and politics to me is not the way and we are not ready for revolution yet**

"You can't Lead the people if you don't love the people you can't save the people if you don't serve the people" - Cornel West

**I think I'm only in the Love stage, I'm not in a position to really be of much service, my radio show was a vessel of truth so I'm trying. (Yes 2 quotes from Dr. West)**

I'm here to walk the path of Garvey, Malcolm, Martin, Lennon, Belafonte, Ali, Marley, Springstein, Pete Seeger, Tosh, and Micheal

But I need the light on my face before I can dance and after I'm done dancing I'm gonna sing and my song will be one of truth well at least my opinion of what the truth is.

I have been called "Industry with mentality of a def jam exec that is messing up the game". I was told I was at the same time a critic and I have too much I don't give a fuck in me. Its perception. I give a fuck about important things. And though I disagree with the industry and how it works I understand how it works and I know you can't fight the system you have to work the system until you don't need the system

So if I appear I'm all over the place know that its a branding each project is a foot hole on a rock face of this mountain I'm climbing. If you ever went rock climbing you would know that sometimes one's foot can only fit in certain holes and the next person may not be able to fit in the same hole . So an experience climber knows at times you may have to go around or even go down and around before you can climb up.

This is what I came here for this is my mission if you will. I am a boy from harlem from un-exceptional means from an un-exceptional background trying to do something exceptional. Now a serious person wouldn't embark on such a thing again "Why so serious?"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Background singers needed for shows and upcoming tour (Paid)

Goodthyme Click/MaxaMusic Group ( is looking for 2 female singers and 1 male vocalist to sing background for R&B Sensation Meryl Carter . Meryl Carter's new single feat Vybz Kartel can be heard currently on several radio stations throughout the nation and Caribbean including NYC's Power 105 .

We are looking for 2 Females between the ages of 17 and 25 with the following vocal ranges; Soprano, Meezo-Saprano and Alto.
As well as 1 Male between the age of 17 and 30 with a vocal range between Baritone and Base.

The audition process (8 week process)

Step 1 - Initial preliminary audition
Vocalist will sing 1 song acapalla

Step 2 - vocalist will be asked to learn Artist Material and practice
with Meryl Carter for 3 weeks (unpaid)

Step 3 - after vocalists are chosen vocalist will practice for 5
weeks (paid) in preparation for shows.

Auditions will be held at UltraSound Dance Studios
251 w 30th Street 7th Floor
On Saturday, Oct 3rd 2009 at 3pm Sharp

**Please bring if you have head-shots, Resume.**

**Performance experience preferred but not required.**

Please register for the audition by emailing
Jayson “J-Didda” Butler at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stephen Colbert Distroys Kanye !!!

My dude Stephen Colbert goes in on Kanye Lol Dont Mess with Stephen's Girl Taylor Kanye

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Kanye West Interrupts Taylor Swift at the VMAs
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Protests

The President Calls Kanye West and Asshole

Now You know you fucked up when The President the leader for the free world tells you that you are a Jackass. The First Black President Calls you an asshole. Kanye really pulled a bitch moved.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009



The Bishop is Crossing aka Another one of them "State Of the Game" Blogs

Okay its dark out here. With the state of the economy, enlight of Jay-z's new Blueprint 3 being released (well I happen to get one early) and of course with the Underground Music Awards behind me just by a week. I'm reflecting on the state of the music industry

All of these underground gatherings is fastly becoming a support group for people with there tractors stuck in the Mud like the Johnny Cash Movie. If you remember in "Walk the line" Johnny was drunk and his tractor was stuck in the mud and couldn't get it out cause he was going about it all wrong and eventually fell in the lake just like most of these artist.

Its been nearly 8 years since I decided to embark on a career in the music industry and I feel I'm on path to get my one shot. But folks you only get 1 !! You only get one chance, so when the light is on your face you better dance. (Its just so much work to get to the stage to get the light on ya.) Sometimes I wonder if I have the hunger to even dance.

Currently I'm in the best space in my career. My blackberry addy book is worth a million dollars with some of the connects I have . I'm working for an independent label that actually has a chance to win. Amazes me that I became an A&R before my first deal.

The music me and Fate are coming out with can compete with anything on the radio right now but yet I'm not there yet much like
So many other underground artist in the game. The difference between them and me is I'm not underground I'm so overground.

These artist are so busy hating the game and the radio and what's hot right now that they forget there job as a musician. My job as a songwriter is to make music that the mainstream can enjoy and can relate to.

A lot of you rappers are making music for each other to get respect and love at these showcases. Then you have the "on cusp artists" could get a deal or have a deal and will ultimately loses their deal cause they "wanna keep it real" .

Unless you like me and you turned down a deal because you refused to be an industry gimmick and glamorize drug and gangster lifestyle when I wasn't built nor ever will be built for that . I'm the godfather to gangsters children I understand and respect the true gangsters too much to pretend. And I'm not getting caught out like Pac. 2pac was an acting student with Jada pinkett. Didn't have so much as a traffic ticket til Rap.

*I'm ranting hold on*

But these Artist are trying so hard to be different or to keep it real to what they think is real which is stuff that we was bumping in jr high. And the old heads was saying that stuff was trash.

Your have these on the cusps rappers refusing to make "that" record that 1 or 2 record that the label can push or the deejay can play. And like I told 1 person if you can't write it let me do it . Let me and Fate craft your single. They said nah its not me its commercial then why put out a product you wish to sell ? Commerce supply and demand.

Granted there is to much supply of music and not enough demand for all of it. But you gotta at least make something that makes a person feel like wiggling too.


Death of auto tune and all tha is a marketing ploy 808 and Heartbreaks made Hov a ton of money. Folks Autotune does not make a hit Its the way its written how catchy. Roger Troutman, Stevie Wonder, Teddy Riley been making vocal coder music before yall was born..

However I agree with Jay-z if all you can do is Autotune and when u don't got that effect and no one wants to hear you then you suck!

I'm tired of taking meetings with Artists that think they are gonna be the different one! They can break in the game and be the Next Drake with no money and no investment. Drake stayed behind the scene for years helped so many people hot that now he cashing in his favors. Drake's value is more then rap. What's your Value?

Keep it 100 what's your value to me?

**rant again**

I was talking to a young Rnb singer who I'm considering working with going back and fourth on why what she want to do won't be accepted by the masses from her at her age. Well we back and fourth finally she got it and understood. (I hope)
People say I'm negative and cynical nah I'm a realest. Look @ the game there is rules .

You don't go to the baseball game and tell the umpire yo I think I should get 5 strikes . If you don't like the rules don't play the game . Like Lionel Richie Said in an interview "Get off the field and let the real players play"

Don't complain bout radio when you need radio you complain bout the clubs you need the clubs. Or be a niche artist. There is a life in that.
That's not why I'm here.

So as I reflect I realize I'm so above it all how I think how I approach music. This girl told me I'm very industry and I denied it.

Me and Maddmann was listening to my early work. I was hungry he says. Nah I was stupid lol if I knew what I know now then I be rich. Its not lyrics, not beats, not even the image its the set up . You gotta be set to take your shot when you get the ball..

And folks my three pointer is water right now!

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Favorite Aaliyah Record

The One I Gave My Heart to

This is My Favorite Aaliyah Record the first song she really sang. A lot of people used to question her really being able to sing cause she sang in the breathy tone. What singers must learn u have to be able to have a marketable sound with your voice and be able to really sing. Aaliyah you left a huge void I the R&B ..

The one I Gave My Heart to (Official Video)

The one I Gave My Heart to Live with Diane Warren on piano

Miss You Remix – Jay-z

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Win a Shopping Spree Courtesy Of Goodthyme Click/Maxamedia Music Group & Power 105

Goodthyme Click Logo 1

Win a Shopping Spree Courtesy Of Goodthyme Click/Maxamedia Music Group & Power 105

Goodthyme Click/Maxamedia Music Group has teamed up with Power 105 and Dids Fashion inc. with a contest to win an exclusive shopping spree just in time for “Back to School” . In celebration of the success of our first national & international releases, “Your Loving” by Meryl Carter Feat Vybez Cartel and “Woman” By The “King Of Dancehall” Beenie Man . , Goodthyme Click/Maxamedia Music Group Felt we should give back to the fans and the community who has supported our movement.

Please Log on and Listen to Power 105 FM Daily for chances to wins.

Beenie Man,J-Didda,Meryl Carter,Sean "Due" Lashley,Vybez Cartel

Dids Fashion Incorporated
· (718) 882-5721
762 Burke Ave, Bronx, NY 10467 Get directionsCross Streets: Between Wallace Ave and Holland Ave

Check out Meryl Carter Feat Vybez Cartel “Your Loving”

For press inquires and drops

Saturday, August 8, 2009

JY Goes I On Hate Money Radio

This is a recent Interview Of JY On Hate Money Radio DJ Bedtyme 357 Issued an open challenge to Nominees for this year's Underground Music Awards. Watch the interview and then Peep the Freestyle segment as my boy JY Goes in Hard on ..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Kid Sinsai New Mixtape “Unleashed Hosted By Bedtyme 357

The Kid Sinsai New Mixtape “Unleashed Hosted By Bedtyme 357


This is The New Mixtape By My Young Padwan The Kid Sinsai

The Kid Sinsai is My Co-Host on Get It Poppin’ Radio aka Da G.I.P. and 1/3rd of the M.R.I. (Media Runners International) Movement

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

J-Didda Snags Urban Threshold's Underground Music Award Nomination!

J-Didda Continues His Underground Dominance

J-Didda Snags Urban Threshold's Underground Music Award Nomination!


What seems to have been a tireless year for the “Bishop of Harlem”, J-Diddaswork and dedication has not gone unnoticed. After last year barrage of critically acclaimed music,“I want it all” featuring Tre Williams (Nas imprint, Ill Will Records) and “Harlem”, both Produced by Anthony “Fate” Lynch, and garnering national and international airplay; his hard work and dedication to quality material has compelled Jessie Atkinson and the Underground Music Award (UMA) committee to nominate J-Didda for the coveted “Most Original Male Artist Award”.

"We at the Nu Breed Music Group / Crezyrakk Records are ecstatic and humbled by this nomination"
- Anthony "Fate" Lynch President / CEO The Nu Breed Music Group / President Crezyrakk Records

To see the Underground Music Nominees and to participate in the voting process please log on to:

To Listen to J-Didda’s New Single "Exclusive"

For more information please contact:
Anthony Rodriguez

Thursday, July 2, 2009


WHO'S N.EX.T.??? J.Y. IS N.EX.T. .. BUT WHO IS J.Y.??



Part 1

Part 2

Monday, June 8, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Digging in my Crates!! throwbacks from Crezyrakk Radio Vol. 1

So I found a old harddrive with tons of old music But I was listening to my last mixtape which came out in late 2004 . and I had some joints . SO i ask what went wrong promotion. i just wish i was able to do things that i did early in my career over. but i guess its growing pains.

Well i think im gonna re-release this mixtape on dat piff or something. shout out to Dj toomuch for hosting it. damn

New artist sometimes its not what you put out how hot ur music is. its about the set up and how you get it to the people. I diddn't put it out right but anyway i'm here now and im doing it right now yall niggas in trouble. - Dj Toomuch Feat 2pac & J-Didda (Exclusive Thorwback) - No Games (Exclusive Throwback)
- Regular Ms Thing Feat J-Didda (Reggae Throwback)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Repost from '07 The Bishop is Crossing aka Poor lil' Pigs

In honor of the death of the police officer due to "friendly" fire. Apparantly some white cops shot a black cop in the back that they thought was a criminal ..

I wrote this blog 2 years ago and it made its way around the blogestsphere

Awwww Poor Lil' Piglets… Last week on Get It Poppin' Radio aka Da G.I.P., the discussion of the night turned towards the Police and why I hate the police so much.. and always say "See-A-Cop Pop-A-Cop". People that follow my career as a rapper, radio host and now by default, "activist" (What up Jessie Jess) know why I say what I say. I am tired of the constant police brutality that plagues the average citizen (Black or White) in this country. How many times do you hear about police beating up an innocent person, the rape of an innocent woman, the shooting of an unarmed innocent person for no reason in an excessive manner?

This needs to stop!

So on my show I defended my stance of killing cops and my argument is this: First of all, I do not advocate murder in any form unless it's self defense and even then, if you could incapacitate your attacker without killing them do so. But I do say if someone with a mental illness feels the need to commit random acts of violence I only ask that they limit their attacks to police officers. Simply put I feel it is poetic justice.

Now people say not all cops are bad. This is true, but as an organization, the Police Department nurtures a culture of abuse of power and lawlessness. Even during sentencing of crimes such as "Murder", "Drunk Driving", "Robbery" the years of service of an officer is taken into account and many times they receive a lesser sentence then your average citizen. Is this fair?

The Police Credo is "To serve and protect" but who are they serving? Not I! The one time I actually needed the police, the "service" was horrible. I reported my car stolen at 3PM .. (not to mention it was actually 2:00 when I went to the precinct and I sat there in line with no one else online behind or in front of me, mind you, for 10 minutes until this officer asked with an attitude; "How can I help you?" and then instructed me to return to the scene of the crime and call 911) … So I placed the call at 3PM and when did they show? 12 midnight.. and had the unmitigated gall to ask me and I quote "Who Stole Your Car??" lol

So I went on my rant last week (at Valentine & D.W.I.'s urging) and to be honest, of course it was a lil' to the far left for entertainment value.. (I am a Shock jock now lol) So now we have a few angry police officers or family or friends of police officer are threatening Da G.I.P. ahahah First Amendment Bitches!!!!

I mean, I have met a few cops who are decent people, my best friend and brother from another mother has been trying for 10 years to join the force (Why cause he is to quote Marc, a "Dumb-Ass")  but .. How can you in good conscience join an organization with a history of abuse on the very same people they are supposed to protect? How many times (and this is for my hood people) have you known someone to be murdered and the case goes unsolved and the streets generally have to handle it.

Why is that? (For argument sake, is it because the streets handle it? Another debate perhaps) Why is it that the precinct is, let's say, between 7th & 8th Avenues and you have prostitution on 8th and the crack spot on 7th? They get a piece of that folks.. (New slang if it don't make sense it makes dollars) A few police officers now want to debate me on the radio (cool I invite that) others want to arrest me but admittedly can't again ahhahaha First Amendment Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man Listen.. My job is to invoke thought and debate and I'm glad now that everyone who was hating and calling for my death and or incarceration will be tuning in next week to see what I have to say next. But to the punk police..  I say take a good hard look at your own selves and organizations and ask yourself, why would so many people that are law abiding, hate you and your fellow officers so much.. See what you are really mad at is.. I am your worst nightmare ..

1) I have no record

2) I don't do any drugs

3) I am college educated

4) I am a Tax Payer

5) And In Entertainment

6) Can't forget this.. I'M BLACK

What can you say.. to me.. No, I'm not a criminal so when I say "pop a cop" it's scary because I'm an average Joe.. One of them people that our Middle East Friends Hates for their apparent freedom.. I would say this to Bin Laden and the boys.. If you hate us for our freedom, you need to pick of a new reason to hate us.. But we do still have the Freedom of Speech (so I can say "Pop a Cop") and of the Freedom of The Press.. (So I can say "Pop a Cop" on Radio) .. you gotta love America…

Peace – Didda
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beenie Man Interview Disses Elephant Man..

Check out this interview with Beenie Man He Goes in on Elephant Man Whitney Houston and Others..

Beenie Man Kills Rick Ross,Diddy,and Whitney Houston !LOL from Radio Planet on Vimeo.

Check Out His New Single Wowan Produced By Goodthyme Click

Friday, May 8, 2009



New Joint: Respect My Conglomerate Freestyle

yea i'm late had this in the stash for a while. People saying i went kinda hard on this one.. let me know what you think..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bob Sinclair ft. The Sugar Hill Gang - Lala Song

Bob Sinclair ft. The Sugar Hill Gang - Lala Song

Bob Sinclair Feat The Sugar Hill Gang

These Legendary Brothers Got a Hit on their hands!!


"The King Of Dancehall" Beenie Man's Protege Barbee Wins 2 Reggae Awards


Barbee Wins Two International Reggae & World Music Awards

NYC, May 4, 2009


Goodthyme Entertainment Does it Again!!

Reggae Sensation Barbee Garnered two awards Last Night at the International Reggae & World Music Awards.

Barbee has taken the Caribbean by storm with her hit record "Missing You" Featuring Junior Kelly and the Chart Topping Follow Up "I Love You Anyway" Written and Produced By Sean "Seandue" Lashley of Goodthyme Entertainment

Barbee took home "Best New Artist" & "Song Of The Year" for "I Love You Anyway"

Barbee is currently putting the finishing touches on her Debut album Executive Produced by Sean "Seandue" Lashley

Click to download

"I love you anyway" - Barbee

"Ur Luvin'" - Meryl Carter

"Woman" - Beenie Man

For Interviews & Drops Email

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Bishop Is Crossing aka "The Party Life... NYC Is Getting Lame.."

My little Brother The Buzzard ask me a question: "Do I enjoy all the parties and events I go too ?" My response was yea I guess but at times it gets tiring.

See one of my many hustles is event planning and party promotion. There is a certain thril envolved of organizing an event, book the venue, promoting for weeks then the day comes and you don't know what is going to happen. Will you a)Profit b) break even (we call it live to fight another day) or c) Bust

I been at all 3 spaces. but then comes the big events such as Last night @ Prime I was one of the promoters on the LLoyd Banks Bday bash which was filled beyond capicity. I couldn't really Enjoy myself why you ask?

Well ..

The security was extra thoro which caused an unbelievable delay of the light. People were waiting for 3 hours to get in. Texting and calling me .

Now I told everyone to be there @ 10 because I knew but still we had atleast 1200 black folk last night.

Now folks some nights in the promo game you are a Captin, other nights you are an ensign and anywhere between. I guess last night I was a Jr grade Leutenant . So I could walked people in with me but I couldn't very go outside cause then I have to it for everyone.

With that said the amount of vibrations my phones had ruined my night cause I would have loved to got everyone in. (Same thing happen at Jada's party the amount of Hate I received for that was crazy)

But it goes to the core no one wants to wait online

Sunday @ guesthouse the line was held up by 200 "superstars" rushing the front putting the admiral (hollywood chuck) under pressure with security and the police. Now I here I come Lt. Didda and I need to get in but can't get the Admiral's attention

So I chill across the street talking to passer buys inviting them to Banks party sitting calmly on the construction thingy. One of the punk police ask me if I'm waiting for someone I explain I'm promoting and directing my people to go on the line and not rush the front. (Bullshiting but I didn't feel like arguing with a cop and he did come at me very nice and respectful so I figured I would curtail my disgust for him and his cronnies)

So as I peep the "superstars" maybe 10 percent were bottle poppers most were just people who "knew the promoter" and wanted special treatment (duh of course you know the promoter that's the point!)

Its a culture in New York a mentality of "our" people which causes the party scene to be wack now a days and keep sensible people from wanted to come to my parties. The same mentality that is ruining the music

Everyone in New York is a Rapper, Singer, Model, super star mogul and want to be scene!

Last Night @ Prime was for me the worst because they Let everyone in the damn V.I.P. So V.I.P. Didda left V.I.P. And went to the bar and chilled before I said I'm done.

The ladies though sexy were also for the most part there to be seen and bag an industry nigga. (I wasn't in the mood for groupie love last night)

I ask myself is it cause I'm getting gulp "older" that the scene doesn't excite me ? That I'm not on the dancefloor pullin chicks like I did since 16 . No its the people

There was more people in the vip and directly outside vip then on the dance floor. Everyone on the blackberrys I'm like what the fuck is this?

No wonder the music in new york sucks cause no one knows how to party and feel good anymore.

There is no songs about meeting a sexy young lady in the club and you just have to get her number. And maybe nature takes it course and u have that one night stand. New york artist don't write that.

They write songs is all about poppin bottles in vip with a model argo the models are only fucking with the bottle poppers.

I'm not bitter cause yall know I pop bottles and bend nuff models I'm steppin back and looking at the people.

To qoute Dash from the Incredibles "if everyone is special then no one is special" what's wrong with being regular and just having fun and getting ur dance on?

Last week me and my homies left my Girl Jazz from Blackbuddafly bday bash and went to the bronx to a nice hole in the wall jamican club. Filled with killers and drug dealers my kinda people! Why cause they got money already and they don't need to waste time stunting. And girls were just girls not models, not singers just regular women looking to have fun.

What is it about the manhattan club scene? That we have to book a big draw come up with gimmicks just to break even?

5 years ago a big artist party would be few and far between . Maybe every 4 months now its every week. There was more concerts and shows back then . There was probably an after party for the people who went to the concert .

Is it cause these ringtone artist can't hold down a full performance? Is economics? I don't know what it is but its ruining music!

Its ruining parties!

Its ruining my fun! (Most importantly)

I'm gonna be the king of a city that's dull and boring. Superficial, corney and can't dance!

"This is not what I came here for"!

**Sorry for ranting I'm not even gonna spell check or NOTHING!! **

Venting while waiting for my client to get here.

The Bishop Is Crossing Vol. 1 Mogul Status Coming Soon.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dick Gregory State Of The Black Union

Dick Gregory went in in part 3 he appoligiezes to Bill Clinton

Dick Gregory State Of The Black Union pt 1

pt 2

pt 3

New Music - Drawzilla 'I'm That Boy' (Produced by Drawzilla)


New heat from Drawzilla off of Signed, Sealed, Delivered dropping July 7th

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Biggie Toy really???

How much explotation are they going to do to the memory of the Late Great Christopher Wallace
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lost in the bronx

Well folks if you are following me on twitter you would know I'm lost in the bronx.

Since I'm lost I figured I test out my new "mobile blogging"

Recently I moved to the upper bronx west-bubble-fuck-chesteter section of the birthplace of hip hop.

So I noticed that the bronx express bus the "bxm7" stops right by my new home. After my meeting downtown I decided to shave some time off and ride the express bus.

I loathe public transportation but for some reason I like the express busses probably because it reminds me of the greyhound bus.

*note I'm currently on another bus (regular bus) do to the fact no cabs were to be found. Currently passing by the matrix studio*

So I get on the bxm7 and off we go. Then as we approach the exit I notice we don't get off. So I say oh oh
Then I notice we are headed toward new england now I said hopefully we just stop @ coop city I get a cab .

No it kept going. Let me off in the middle of no where a part of the bronx I never seen before.

Bus driver says u should have got on the "7m1" I'm like wow thanks

So I walk to a bus stop and I decided to get on the first bus that will lead me to someplace familar .

I'm currently getting a tour of the upper bronx thankfully I'm off today..

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Sic Osyrus New Video Everyday's a Battle

Check out
Inasirkl Music Group's
Sic Osyrus
first full length video
for the DJ Kep produced
'Everydays a Battle'
(Directed by Infmega)

It's been less then 1 day on VladTV and he is at 8000 views already

***Check the video out and leave a comment***

thanks for your support

Full MP4 Download Link (Dirty, let me know if you need clean)

Thanks for supporting Sic Osyrus

Check for Sic Osyrus in June issue of 'The Source'


Friday, April 10, 2009




Soulja Boy Tellem's Turn My Swag On Is The Hottest Song In the Club Right now

The Bishop Is Crossing Vol. ! Mogul Status coming Soon

Follow me on Twitter

Click to download

"Turn My Swag On" Remix -

"Turn My Swag On" Promo Remix -



Tuesday, April 7, 2009


*************BRAND NEW SMASH **************

Cassie f/ Drawzilla " Must Be Love " ( Unofficial Remix )

Download and Listen Here :

Drawzilla's last solo LP drops in JUNE " Signed, Sealed, Delivered " ---------------------- (alternative for msgs) ------------------ (website) ------------------ (live webcam) ------------------- (video blogs) ------------------- (written blogs/ updates) ------ (Beat posts)

Friday, March 6, 2009


So the whole City is a "Twitter" about the Governor of New York State, Gov.
David Patterson's low approval ratings. A lot of people feel that black
people should support him and not be against him simply because he is the first Black Governor of New York.

My homegirl's position is to support him and be proud that he is our first
Black Governor . I am proud of this achievment however I am against Blind Racial Unity. I caught similar flack about my opposition to Rev. Al-Pportunist, and "Uncle Jessie" Jackson. I have always been skeptical of people in positions of power most likely they did someone dirty along the way to get there.

I was born in Harlem as a youth I was brought up in Harlem's famed
Abyssinian Baptist Church for those who don't know the History . The Pastor
of Abyssinian was Rep. Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Who's name is not only 7th
avenue in Harlem (Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd) but is also the Name of the State Building on 125th Street The headquarters of "The Clinton Foundation" .

Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Was the most powerful black man in America at one point. When President Kennedy or President Johnson needed Republican votes or Conservative Democrats support to pass civil rights legislation they would call Him. Powell was a Bridge between King and Malcolm X that's Power.

The legacy of my former church attracted several powerful black "leaders" and politicians . My Mother loves to the story of how at the age of 3 years old I was not impressed by Charles Rangel. I guess for a photo-op (you know kiss the babies, shake hands; I happened to be the baby) Mr. Rangel Picked me up and stood me up on a table and asked "Why are you on this table" my response "You put me here, who are you?" he goes on to say "My Name Is Charles B. Rangel, What is your Name?" My response "Jayson Timothy Butler" (with an attitude apparently) . The thing about me is for the most part I always been able to size up people and determine if they are genuine or not and if I felt you wasn't I tell you about yourself. As a grew I asked the right questions and look at peoples'history because 9 times out of 10 history repeats. So once I form an opinion about someone good or bad I'm very rarely wrong.

So now that I'm an adult an educated African American I like to use the term
"N.I.G.G.A. (Non Immigrant Gaining Gathering Achieving) I judge people;
especially those in position of power; on the Merits of their character and
the history of their actions.

As for David Patterson, when he was appointed as Governor after the debacle of then Governor Elliot Spitzer I was very excited. I said Yea man We got our first Black Governor and he a Resident of Harlem man listen I support anything harlem even Charles Hamilton lol. Everyone knew about his coke problem from his state congressional days but he always fought for Harlem, for education, for health care, for welfare. Now David Patterson is trying to coast his way
into holding on to the office. He forgot why he went to Albany in the first place.

Patterson is a Brilliant Harlem politician he comes from the school of Adam
Powell and "Old Fashioned Harlem Politics". To Understand "Harlem Politics" you must understand the "Robin Hood theory". Not just rob the rich to give to the poor but use the criminals to fund your operation that will ultimately rob the rich. Robin Hood's Merry men where criminals before Robin met them. See folks the Charles Rangels, The David Dickens, and so on are all Direct Reflections of the "positive" impact of Gangsters such as Frank Lucas, Nicki Barnes and them. Oh I can hear you know "But they killed their own people" So did the Kennedys ! Look America is a "Gangsterized" Nation always been. We stole this country from Britain and then the Indians and Built every brick on the backs of Slavery, Piracy, Bootlegging, and Drugs let's be real.

Back to Patterson his main goal right now is to Remain Governor. He knows that he is an accidental Governor and he also knows that the Democratic Brand in the outer regions of New York has taking a beating thanks to Spitzer. So he is running towards the "Right". Feeling the City will give him a pass because he
is a minority . Now this Strategy may ultimately work but not for me.

Anyone who understands NY politics knows that upstate is the swing region.
And they tend to be very conservative. And they have a slight bias against
the City. So Gov. Patterson's policy of basically making the city suffer more during his "belt tighting" during our current economic situation is terrible. He is against raising the Housing Tax (where are the most homes?) but will raise our MTA/Transit Rates putting tolls on every bridge and putting a tax on "to go items" such as soda, Starbucks coffee etc." . Those things honestly I can stomach . But when our President sends Money to New York specifically for Health care, welfare and education and you still cut such programs Ihave a problem with you.

Now this Blog isn't specifically about Patterson it is about people who feel
that we as Black people should "Blindly (pun intended) follow and support
someone just because he is Black. That Brings me to Barack Obama now I know
"My President is Black and my lambo blue... " And all that... but too often during the campaign I would ask people why are you voting for Barack over Hillary and the answer is because he is Black. A lot of His supporters didn't even
bother to go on his website and read up on his platform.

Now that he is "on the job" there is a since from "My People" (and I use
that term loosely) that: " We gonna be good cause Barack Got us!" And its
almost Blasphemy to question him on some "Key Issues" such as how do you pick Tim Gietner as your Secretary of Treasury, when he was head of the NY Dept of Treasury and over saw the Wall Street Meltdown that basically helped to
start this mess.

See folks money no longer backed by gold it is backed by debt. I have 100 pieces of paper worth 100 dollars in my pocket because somewhere out there 100 people owe me 1 dollar. Its not that simple but that's the basic gist. So now the Stock Market needed to continue to make money so it was allowed to "speculate on debt" which
means the housing market. Not just during the Bush years now this goes way back

You see when Nixon took us off the Gold standard that set off a chain reaction that ballooned the price of Housing like 500 percent since the 1960's. Remember Raisen In The Sun they brought the house for 10 grand ? Now that's not even a down payment. (Well not Detroit they got spots for 18,000 its bad!) Why the drastic change? Because money must be backed by something and now it is your House . And we don't
even own that thanks to the Supreme Court (google "Imminent Domain")

So Obama you picked for your "Financial General" in this "Economic War"a man who helped get us in the mess that we are in. Why? Well you know what I say this is all part of the plan to lead us towards the "Amero" and eventually One World Government, but I will digress because most people don't wanna believe this and dismiss it as conspiracy theory so for argument sake I say its not a plan its just incompetence.

So the Question remains why ? Barack pick for Treasury secretary a
person who didn't help to prevent the "crash" furthermore he is a lifetime
tax evader and you put him in charge of the IRS with the mandate to increase
audits on tax evaders lol that's called Hypocrisy! But black folk say oh well that's Barack our "Black President". No that's our employee and we must hold him accountable. Like any white man.

You Can't Blindly Follow!

Why is he against prosecuting the Bush administration for war crimes? Hmm

These are things you have to pay attention to. Just don't celebrate the fact that we got someone that looks like us in the White House.

I don't believe anyone should have a benefit of the doubt when they are in a
position to effect Millions or Billions of lives. Do you give your Black
boss the benefit of the doubt when he messes up and blames you? Do you say:
"well he a brother so its alright" ? No!

You Can't Blindly Follow!

The jury is still out on Barack he may be thinking that this Economic
crisis was caused by "Crooks" so I need a "Smart Crook" to get us out of this. But Tim Gietner said "He does not have the details of the plan to get us out of the Recession" WHAT!! People are getting food drops in the Midwest and you don't have a plan yet? I hope Obama has him on a short leash.

We Can't Blindly Follow!

Al Sharpton says march and Negros march, Charles Rangel Says support this
Bill and we write letters to Congress, cause Rangel says so. But where is Rangel as Harlem is turning into "Morningside Heights" and SoHa ? Where is he when we loosing landmark black business black jobs for Starbucks and other franchises. No where!

We Can't Blindly follow!

When Al-Pportunist gets a kick back and says he is satisfied with the
"remorseful-ness of some company that did something racist" and he calls off
the protest but he essentially got brought off. He is no better then them Human rights/Labor people who puts the Big Rat in front of the Building in protest to discrimination or health concerns. You pay them off they go away. We must not Blindly follow and say well I'm black and I'm going to support any thing black when that black person will lead you over a cliff.

Remember the African Kings sold us into Slavery and/or allowed the Whites to
steal us from our home. Not all black kings but a good amount so folks

You Can't Blindly Follow!

The Bishop Is Crossing Vol. 1 I Mogul Status coming soon..